Diskuse o Ukrajině v mainstreamových médiích V4: Budoucnost ve vztahu k evropské integraci

Projekt hodnotí produkci, distribuci a spotřebu zpráv o budoucnosti Ukrajiny ve vztahu k evropské integraci v hlavních médiích V4. Cílem je určit dominantní i okrajové narativy a zároveň analyzovat jejich dopad prostřednictvím focus groups. Zjištění budou předložena zúčastněným stranám s cílem zlepšit zpravodajství a zvýšit přístup publika k informacím.

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DeníkN: Global crises are increasing, the state is returning. However, Czech politicians ignore it

Commentary from our researcher Klára Votavová: The publication of the government's package for the recovery of public finances was preceded by several familiar claims about the exuberant Czech state and high taxes. After weeks of negotiations, Petr Fiala's government announced that it intends to save approximately 20 billion crowns on state operations and salaries for years 2024 and 2025. It is not yet clear who will be affected by the investigation and whether it will be in the form of layoffs or salary cuts for civil servants.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship offer: Call for proposals 2023

The Think Visegrad platform, which brings together think tanks from the Visegrad countries, including the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, is offering eight visiting fellowships to non-Visegrad expert fellows for the period Autumn/Winter of 2023. The duration of fellowships varies from 6 to 8 weeks (based on agreement with the hosting institute).

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Think Visegrad Fellowship offer: Call for proposals 2023

The Think Visegrad platform, which brings together think tanks from the Visegrad countries, including the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, is offering eight visiting fellowships to non-Visegrad expert fellows for the period Autumn/Winter of 2023. The duration of fellowships varies from 6 to 8 weeks (based on agreement with the hosting institute).

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REPORT | Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe

Read the report from the debate "Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe", which took place on 27 March in Brussels.

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REPORT | Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe

Přečtěte si report z debaty "Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe", která proběhla 27. března v Bruselu.

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POLICY PAPER | Ukraine's Integration with the EU in the context of the war

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the effective information policy of the Kiev authorities have opened up an opportunity for Ukraine in the form of broad European public support for the idea of Ukraine joining the EU, writes Krzysztof Nieczypor in his policy paper.

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POLICY PAPER | Ukraine's Integration with the EU in the context of the war

Ruská invaze na Ukrajinu a účinná informační politika kyjevských úřadů otevřely Ukrajině příležitost v podobě široké podpory evropské veřejnosti pro myšlenku vstupu Ukrajiny do EU. Píše ve svém policy paperu Krzysztof Nieczypor.

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POLICY PAPER | Resilience building in the V4 against disinformation about the Russian-Ukrainian war

The Visegrad countries are facing enormous Russian disinformation pressure aimed at breaking popular support for aid to Ukraine. If Ukraine were to lose Western support, it would most likely lose the war, which is why Russian disinformation aims to end this support. Writes Dorka Takatsy in her policy paper.

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POLICY PAPER | Resilience building in the V4 against disinformation about the Russian-Ukrainian war

Visegrádské země čelí obrovskému ruskému dezinformačnímu tlaku, jehož cílem je zlomit lidovou podporu pomoci Ukrajině. Pokud by Ukrajina ztratila podporu Západu, s největší pravděpodobností by prohrála válku, a proto je cílem ruských dezinformací tuto podporu ukončit. Píše Dorka Takácsy ve svém policy paperu.

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