Foreign Policy: Likely Next Czech Prime Minister Will Get Along Great With Trump

Náš ředitel Vladimír Bartovic pro Foreign Policy komentoval nedávné oznámení premiéra Bohuslava Sobotky o demisi koaličního kabinetu - tedy kroku, namířeného proti ministrovi financí Andreji Babišovi.

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Foreign Policy: Emmanuel Macron, the Next President of France

Our Martin Michelot contributed to an article on Foreign Policy on the results of the French presidential elections, which ended in favour of Emmanuel Macron.

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Foreign Policy: Emmanuel Macron, the Next President of France

Náš Martin Michelot přispěl do článku na Foreign Policy o výsledku francouzských prezidentských volbách, ve kterých mandát nového prezidenta získal Emmanuel Macron.

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INVITATION: French presidential elections and their impact on the Czech Republic and the EU

We would like to cordially invite you to a debate on the French presidential elections and their impact on the Czech Republic and the EU.

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WP Wiadomości: Is Macron's victory a victory for the Poles?

In an interview for WP Wiadomości, our deputy director Martin Michelot commented on Emmanuel Macron's victory in the first round of the French presidential elections.

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WP Wiadomości: Is Macron's victory a victory for the Poles?

Náš zástupce ředitele Martin Michelot pro WP Wiadomości komentoval vítězství Emmanuela Macrona v prvním kole francouzských prezidentských voleb.

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Martin Michelot's French elections spotlight

Our Deputy Director's takes on the French presidential elections, in chronological order and continuously updated.

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Martin Michelot's French elections spotlight

Všechny rozhovory, komentáře a publikace našeho experta na francouzskou politiku Martina Michelota seřazeny chronologicky a průběžně aktualizovány.

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Foreign Policy: Who Is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Man Now Surging in French Polls?

Our deputy director Martin Michelot talked to Foreign Policy about who the new political star, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, of the French presidential elections is.

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Foreign Policy: Who Is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Man Now Surging in French Polls?

Náš zástupce ředitele Martin Michelot pro Foreign Policy komentoval vzestup radikálně levicového Jean-Luc Mélenchona ve francouzských prezidentských volbách.

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