INVITATION: EU Enlargement to Western Balkans: How to Overcome the Deadlock?

We are more than honoured to invite you to the discussion on the topic: ‘EU Enlargement to Western Balkans - How to Overcome the Deadlock?’. The public debate will take place on Friday, 8th November 2019, from 17:00 to 19:00 in the European House (Jungmannova 24, Prague 1).

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INVITATION: EU± // Countries of Central Europe and the rule of law

The European Union was founded on the principles of freedom, equality and democracy - these are the values within which the rule of law plays an important role. Recently, in relation to the situation in Poland and Hungary, there has been a debate on the extent to which the EU should protect these fundamental values and whether it has the right to comment on them at all.

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INVITATION: What kind of EU do we want in 2025? - Rule of law

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy would like to cordially invite you to the discussion on a topic of EU's perception of the rule of law.

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INVITATION: The Visegrad Four and Germany: which shared priorities in the next Commission?

We are honoured to invite you to a debate organized by our Brussels office titled 'The Visegrad Four and Germany: which shared priorities in the next Commission?' The event will take place at Fondation Universitaire in Brussels on October 16. You can look forward to 4 expert speakers, including one MEP. Read the whole article to find out their names and get more information.

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POZVÁNKA: Visegrádská čtyřka a Německo: Jaké jsou společné priority v nové komisi?

Je nám ctí pozvat vás na debatu pořádanou naší bruselskou kanceláří, která nese název „Visegrádská čtyřka a Německo: Jaké jsou společné priority v nové komisi?“ Akce proběhne v prostorách nadace Fondation Universitaire v Bruselu ve středu 16. října a můžete se těšit na 4 zajímavé hosty včetně jednoho poslance Evropského parlamentu. Jména hostů a více informací najdete v článku.

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INVITATION: The new European Commission – What to expect?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that we co-organize under the Prague European Summit titled ''The new European Commission – What to expect?''. The event will take place on October 9th at 3 PM in the European House.

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ČRo Plus: will Věra Jourová have rule of law portfolio?

In the interview with Czech Radio Plus, Zuzana Stuchlíková talked about the speculations that Věra Jourová was offered rule of law portfolio in the new European Commission.

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ČTK: Expert: Rule of law for Jourová would be a good and logical choice

In an interview with the Czech News Agency, head of our Brussels office Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the speculations of Politico that Věra Jourová was offered the rule of law portfolio in European Commission.

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Between moderate progress and prolonged stagnation: The European Commission’s Reports on the Western Balkans

In the next entry of the Eastern Monitor series, our Marko Stojić deals with European Commission's reports on the Western Balkans and the potential candidate countries from the area.

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Between moderate progress and prolonged stagnation: The European Commission’s Reports on the Western Balkans

V dalším příspěvku série Eastern Monitor se náš Marko Stojić věnuje reportům Evropské komise o západním Balkáně a potenciálních kandidátských zemích z této oblasti.

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