ČRo Plus | Co přesvědčilo Viktora Orbána od vetování finanční pomoci Ukrajině?

Poslechněte si rozhovor ČRo Plus s Žigou Faktorem, zástupcem ředitele a vedoucím naší bruselské kanceláře, o tom, co přesvědčilo Viktora Orbána od vetování finanční pomoci Ukrajině?

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TV Nova | How to make EU elections more attractive in the Czech Republic

Since 2004, Czechs have been able to vote in European Parliament elections. However, interest is low compared to other countries. Why is this the case and how could voter turnout be increased? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM, discussed this topic.

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TV Nova | Jak zatraktivnit eurovolby v Česku

Od roku 2004 mají Češi možnost účastnit se voleb do Evropského parlamentu. Zájem je ale v porovnání s ostatními zeměmi nízký. Proč tomu tak je a jak by se dala volební účast zvýšit? O tom hovořil výkonný ředitel institutu EUROPEUM Martin Vokálek.

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BLOG | The pressure for decarbonisation in the Czech Republic is growing. How profitable is wind energy for the Czech Republic?

Coal has been an important part of the Czech economy for decades. As a fossil fuel, however, it is a significant producer of greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Our Research Fellow Jonathan Lyons and Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová write in their blog about the benefits of decarbonisation and switching to wind energy.

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Euractiv | More wind, less coal. What are the benefits of wind energy for the Czech Republic?

Coal has been an important part of the Czech economy for decades. As a fossil fuel, however, it is a significant producer of greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Our Research Fellow Jonathan Lyons and Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová write in their commentary about the benefits of decarbonisation and switching to wind energy.

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ČRo Plus | Belgian Presidency

Belgium takes over the EU Presidency from the Spanish. What challenges does Belgium face in this role and how does it plan to achieve its objectives? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, explains.

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ČT24 | Blížící se volby do Evropského parlamentu

Evropský parlament je jedním z klíčových orgánů Evropské unie, přesto je účast ve volbách jeho členů v Česku dlouhodobě velmi nízká. Blížící se evropské volby a jejich český rozměr rozebral ve vysílání ČT24 náš zástupce ředitele a vedoucí bruselské kanceláře Žiga Faktor.

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INVITATION | Urban Talk: Female Empowerment

We would like to invite you to a debate on "Female Empowerment" that is organized as a part of the Prague European Summit. The debate will take place on Monday, 13th of November 2023, from 16:00 in Karolinum.

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One World in Brussels | Screening of the film "While We Watched" + discussion

We would like to invite you to the screening of the film While We Watched and the subsequent debate, which takes place within the framework of the Brussels branch of the One World Festival in cooperation with our Brussels office. The screening will take place on Tuesday 25 April at 18:00.

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One World in Brussels | Screening of the film "BLIX NOT BOMBS" + discussion

We cordially invite you to the screening of the film BLIX NOT BOMBS and the subsequent debate, which takes place as part of the Brussels branch of the One World Festival in cooperation with our Brussels office. The screening will take place on Monday, 24 April, at 19:00.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org