One-day vignette from 2024. The price will be determined by an increased annual vignette

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, provided a commentary to the news portal on the topic "One-day vignette from 2024. The price will be determined by the increased annual vignette". Since 2017, a proposal for a mandatory toll system in the EU has been in the works, so that trucks would pay only according to the number of kilometres driven. However, the changes also affect cars, specifically by introducing a one-day vignette. The price of the one-day vignette has not yet been set, but according to European regulations it must not exceed nine percent of the annual toll. The final price of the one-day vignette therefore depends on the annual motorway toll. Its implementation can be expected in 2024.

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POLICY PAPER - The ups and downs of Polish-German reconciliation and lessons for the Western Balkans

Adam Balcer and Klaus Ziemer published Policy Paper about the ups and downs of Polish-German reconciliation and lessons for the Western Balkans.

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POLICY PAPER - Vzestupy a pády Polsko-Německého usmíření a poučení pro západní Balkán

Adam Balcer a Klaus Ziemer publikovali Policy Paper o vzestupech a pádech Polsko-Německého usmíření a poučení pro západní Balkán.

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