E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe

We would like to invite you to a conference on the occasion of the Czech EU Presidency on the topic: E-mobility: an OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe. The conference will take place on 17th October 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 at the European House, Jungmannova 745/24, Prague & online.

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Korea on Point: Neither Eastern Europe nor North Korea but the Indo-Pacific is the Future: The Prospects and Challenges for EU-Korea Relations under the Yoon Ad

Tereza Novotná, an associate research fellow at our Institute, wrote an article for Korea on Time, where she argues, that from a security perspective, the EU-South Korea partnership has been marked by three key topics: the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, North Korea, and US-China strategic competition. It would be a smart choice for Yoon’s team to continue and expand on the New Southern Policy rather than trying to come up with a new framework. In the end, it will be neither Eastern Europe nor North Korea but the Indo-Pacific which will hold the key to the future of the EU-Korea partnership.

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E15.cz: The Brexit deal is in danger of collapse. The dispute between Brussels and London can be settled by the Czechs

Martin Vokálek, executive director of the Europeum Institute for European Policy, commented for E15 on the tense situation between the European Union and the UK in the area of economy and trade. In particular, the problematic region of Northern Ireland and compliance with the so-called Good Friday Agreement. The emergence of new tariff barriers between Britain and the European bloc is thus clearly a real threat.

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Radio Z: Hundreds of Middle Eastern migrants detained in Germany near the border with Poland in recent days, they entered the EU via Belarus

Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented on current events on the Belarus-Polish border. Precisely because of migration, Poland extended the state of emergency on the border with Belarus. The problem will be discussed by the European Parliament.

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POLICY BRIEF: A 10-billion deal: The European Innovation Council to finance and accelerate breakthrough technologies across Europe

In the final part of the EUROPEUM series on the Innovation pillar of Horizon Europe, our Associate Research Fellow Katarína Svitková focuses on the European Innovation Council (EIC), officially launched in March 2021.

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REPORT: Workshops on disinformation

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in collaboration with KohoVolit.eu and Demagog.cz held two workshops in Hradec Králové on the topic of disinformation and fake news.

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Sustainable urban mobility

Our Research Fellows Kateřina Davidová and Christian K. Lassen wrote background material for a conference on sustainable urban mobility. The material is out now as a brochure.

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Recommendations on EU support to the Crimean peninsula

Ukrainian independent journalists, analysts and civil rights activists contributed to a series of recommendations on EU support to the Crimean peninsula, based on an advocacy visit to Brussels on 26-29 September 2016

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France is fighting on multiple fronts

Martin Michelot writes for Hospodářské noviny about France's military strategy following the terrosist attacks of 13th November. He examines its strenghts and weaknesses.

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Newsweek: We are stronger than this gang of crooks

Martin Michelot talks to Newsweek Česko about the Paris terrorist attacks and more.

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