| European Commission to allocate hundreds of milions of euro to support ammunition production of EU manufacturers

Military industry in Europe is not able to cover the needs related to the supply of ammunition to Ukraine. The situation of the long-neglected EU weapons industry is now being addressed by the European Commission with financial support of 500 milion of euro. But is the decision on financial support coming too late? And how long before the industry can be renewed? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the situation for

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Euractiv | Strengthening ammunition production through the new European Defence Industrial Strategy

The new European Defence Industrial Strategy primarily responds to the Ukrainian need for ammunition supplies due to Russian invasion. It includes measures such as support for collective procurement of defense systems, focus on the involvement of European firms in public tenders, support for national budgets in transitioning to new weapon systems, and the development of stronger ties with Ukraine and NATO. Zuzana Krulichová, a researcher specializing in European defense policy at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the funding of the new strategy for Euractiv.

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ČRo Plus | Macron came to Prague to discuss building nuclear blocks in Dukovany

French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Prague to meet with Czech officials. The main topic of the discussion is the construction of a new block of the Dukovany nuclear power plant, which has drawn interest from both the French state company EDF and the Korean KHNP. Amongst the main topics is also support for Ukraine and the issue of new ammunition. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke about Macron's visit for ČRo Plus.

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RTVS | Conclusions of the conference of EU and NATO leaders in Paris

Paris meeting of EU and NATO leaders wrapped up with a clear call - to strengthen the defense capabilities and increase the supply of ammunition to Ukraine. The executive director of the EUROPEUM Institute, Martin Vokálek, spoke more about the reasons and consequences of this extremely quickly summoned meeting for Slovakian RTVS channel.

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ČT24 | Leaders of twenty countries to discuss aid to Ukraine

What can we expect from the upcoming summit in terms of aid to Ukraine? Vít Havelka, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, describes possible developments of the negotiations for ČT24.

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Café Evropa podcast: Two years since the invasion: what's next for Ukraine?

We invite you to a public recording of the Café Evropa podcast: two years since the invasion: what's next for Ukraine? The recording will take place on Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at 17:30 at Langhans - Kavárna a Centrum Člověka v tísni, Vodičkova 37, Prague.

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RTVS | EU leaders call for ammunition supplies to Kiev

Was Hungary's refusal to provide financial aid to Ukraine the main concern of the Summit? Watch an interview with Ziva Faktore, head of our Brussels office and deputy director, who comments on this topic for Slovak RTVS.

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RTVS: Will Serbia and Kosovo be able to continue dialogue after the attack in northern Kosovo?

Relations between Serbia and Kosovo have been worsened by the recent attack in the north of Kosovo. Jana Juzová, a researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the situation on RTVS.

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Studio ČT24: Second day of European Council's summit

Our researcher Vít Havelka for Studio ČT24 evaluated the second day of the EU summit in Brussels. The most important topics were the consecration of the supply of ammunition to Ukraine financed by the European Union, as well as the discussion of the shape of the single market and the reaction to the American package to limit inflation.

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Policy Paper: Evaluating Transatlantic Relations in Times of Conflict

Our research fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz has written a policy paper on "Evaluating Transatlantic Relations in Times of Conflict", in which she discusses issues such as transatlantic security, the new European security architecture, and NATO's renewed purpose. She concludes with further steps on how the transatlantic community can work together in times of conflict.

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