Policy Brief | Winning the Race for AI Without Picking the Winners

Boosting European productivity and competitiveness hinges on both the development and uptake of technology, especially AI. Europe has a chance to place itself centrally in the AI value chain if the EU and its member states ensure access to computing power, data and finance as well as improving citizens’ basic and advanced digital skills. Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute Silke Maes, among other contributors, writes in this Policy Brief.

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Policy Paper | HOW TO PLAY THE DIGITAL POWER GAME WITH LIMITED MEANS Policy Principles for the Next European Commission

In the global competition for technological dominance, this policy brief sets out six principles for the next Commission on how to play the digital power game with limited resources. Despite the size of its market, the EU lacks common fiscal capacity, capital markets and labour market dynamics. Writes Silke Maes, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

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Policy Paper | HOW TO PLAY THE DIGITAL POWER GAME WITH LIMITED MEANS Policy Principles for the Next European Commission

Svět se nachází v horké fázi globální soutěže o nadvládu v nových technologiích. Pokud chce EU zůstat do budoucna konkurenceschopná, musí být více aktivní. Jak na to rozebírá náš nejnovější policy paper z pera výzkumné pracovnice Silke Maes. Navrhuje v něm šest konkrétních kroků pro novou Evropskou komisi vzešlou z voleb do EP v roce 2024.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Life in the online age - how are we doing in the current digital transformation?

We would like to invite you to another in a series of debates of Café Evropa, this time on the topic of the rule of law in the EU. The debate is organized by the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic, European Parliament office and the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM. The media partner of the debate is Deník.cz. The debate will take place online on March 31 from 18:00 on our Facebook and YouTube.

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EU MONITOR: The Size of Erasmus+ will determine the EU ambition in education

Karel Barták published an EU Monitor, in which he focuses on the question if the size of Erasmus+ will determine the EU ambition in education.

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Can the V4’s Priorities shape “Europe’s Priorities”?

Almadi Sejla publikovala v rámci projektu Think Visegrad policy brief o roli V4 v rámci unijních priorit týkajících se víceletého finančního rámce.

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REPORT: The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market Conference

On 30 November we co-organized a Think Visegrad conference in Brussels entitled ‘The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market’. The report summarizing the debate and highlighting the issues relating to the V4 countries is now available.

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INVITATION: "The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market" Brussels Conference

On 30 November, we co-organize the conference titled The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union.

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POZVÁNKA: Konference "The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market" v Bruselu

Dne 30. listopadu proběhne na půdě Stálého zastoupení Polské republiky při EU konference spolupořádaná Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM na téma The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market.

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