Call for Participants: Euro-Atlantic Future of Ukraine and Eastern Europe: Views from Visegrad

Are you a Master’s student from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia keen on international relations and NATO's strategic future? Join our workshop series to engage with experts, present your views on NATO’s Open-Door policy, and network with peers from the region.

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Prague European Summit | Slovak President Čaputová warned against the rise of extremism and hatred on social media

Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová was the guest of honour at the 10th anniversary Prague European Summit. At the Czernin Palace, she received the traditional Vision for Europe Award from the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský.

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MF DNES | Pellegrini's first foreign trip will take him to the Czech Republic

The newly elected Slovak President Peter Pellegrini will follow a long-standing tradition and his first foreign trip will be to the Czech Republic. This is despite the cooling of diplomatic relations between the countries. According to Kristína Chlebáková, project manager of EUROPEUM Institute, the relations are still highly superior and the new Slovak president will not want to disturb them. She commented on the future of Czech-Slovak diplomatic relations for the daily MF DNES.

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168 hodin | Czech and Slovak relations at freezing point

Due to the pro-Russian positions of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, the Czech cabinet suspended the intergovernmental consultations. Does this turn the former brothers into enemies? Nonetheless, this is not the first time that relations between these two nations, that used to share a common state once, have frozen. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the topic in an investigative piece for 168 hodin broadcast by Czech Television.

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MF DNES | Cooldown in relations between the Czech Republic and Slovakia

The Czech government has suspended intergovernmental consultations with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico's cabinet over differing views on the war conflict in Ukraine. Our project manager Kristína Chlebáková commented on the move for MF DNES.

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RTVS | The Future of the Visegrad Group

Differences on key issues between the leaders of the Visegrad Four countries are now being widely discussed in the context of the ongoing summit in Prague. How the relations between the countries will develop, whether we are heading towards the disintegration of the V4 or whether this is an eternal partnership of reason, was analysed by Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office, for the RTVS podcast Z prvej ruky.

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ČT24 | V4 summit in Prague brought questions about the groups' necessity

The new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk came to the Prague V4 summit asking whether the Visegrad group is still relevant. Cooperation on a high political level is complicated by the countries' different approaches towards the war in Ukraine. While the Czech Republic and Poland continue to support its interests with the same intensity, Slovakia and Hungary are reassessing them. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, talked about the importance of the summit and the relations between Poland and the Czech Republic for ČT24.

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Op-Ed | The grain dispute is the first sign that Ukraine's EU accession will not be easy. What obstacles await on this path?

The Ukrainian grain situation is making waves in Europe. Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Ziga Faktor wrote an Op-Ed about the impact of the situation on the country's EU accession and how some member states are reacting.

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Invitation | The European Union, the geopolitics of enlargement and the European Political Community

We would like to invite you to a debate entitled "The European Union, the Geopolitics of Enlargement and the European Political Community ", which will take place on Monday 12 June at the French Institute in Prague at 17:30.

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RTVS: European Parliament: Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism

Following the Russian attacks on civilians in Ukraine, the European Parliament has designated Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. What does this declaration mean in practice and what does it mean for member states? Our Executive Director Martin Vokálek commented on this matter for Slovak RTVS.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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tel.: +420 212 246 552