| Automobile companies are on board with the Green Deal, it is only politicians who want to scrap it

The Green Deal for Europe is an ambitious strategy to ensure that Europe becomes the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Most of the parties running for the European Parliament want to change this strategy, despite the fact that the car companies are already anticipating the transition. EUROPEUM Institute researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on the topic in an article for

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Delo | Tense artmosphere in Slovakia after the attack on the Prime Minister

The Slovak political scene has unified and called for calming political tensions following the attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. However, there are concerns that the governing parties might exploit this tragedy to strengthen their power. It is necessary for political leaders to act responsibly and consider long-term consequences, commented Kristína Chlebáková, Project Manager at Institute EUROPEUM, for the Slovenian newspaper Delo.

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BLOG | Unforeseen Dilemmas: The EU-Tunisia Migration Deal in Light of Human Rights Concerns. Was it a mistake?

Tunisia has become the main exit point for asylum seekers and refugees, especially those from sub-Saharan Africa. The EU, faced with a surge in arrivals to Lampedusa, has bolstered its cooperation with Tunisia, signing a Memorandum of Understanding with President Kais Saied. However, questions arise over the EU's handling of human rights abuses in Tunisia, reminiscent of past agreements with Turkey. Nargiz Mustafazade, a trainee in the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, writes about this topic in her blog.

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RevivEU | Should we fear for the economic future of Europe?

We invite you to a public podcast recording focusing on the discussion of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on European industrial policy and its potential consequences for the Czech economy and society. We will discuss the new technological dynamics resulting from the pandemic and explore ways in which the European Union can respond to technological competition with the USA and China.

Show more | What exactly is in the migration pact

The European Union has approved a migration pact, and from 2026 individual states will either accept their share of refugees or pay to opt out of this obligation. However, since the Czech Republic has already accepted a large number of refugees since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, it should temporarily be exempt from this obligation. However, as noted by Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM, this is not an exemption explicitly granted to Czechia. Exemptions are determined based on the number of people granted asylum or similar protection in a given country.

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ČT24 | The Migration Pact is about border protection, but it also brings new responsibilities

The European Parliament recently approved the Migration Pact, which, among other things, deals with the relocation of asylum seekers. Minister of the Interior Vít Rakušan claims Czechia will have an exemption from solidarity due to the number of Ukrainian refugees it accepted. The Migration Pact will take effect in two years, and its strengths and weaknesses were analysed by Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of the EUROPEUM Institute.

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ČRo Plus | The EU lags behind the US and China due to weak capital strength and new technologies

The European Union economically lags behind the United States of America and China. The recent meeting in Brussels reflected concerns about a slowdown in the EU economy, which entered 2024 with lower-than-expected growth. EUROPEUM Institute analyst Vít Havelka commented on this situation for ČRo Plus.

Show more | Blinken discussed war in Ukraine with EU foreign ministers in Brussels

The US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken participated in the meeting of the EU foreign ministers of the member countries in Brussels. This unusual meeting may be motivated by the stalled financial aid of the United States to Ukraine or the upcoming elections on both continents. Current leaders have limited time to continue with existing projects and are likely to try to make deals before newly elected political leaders take their chairs. Martin Vokálek, executive director of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke about this issue on the main evening broadcast on TV Nova.

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RTVS | EU leaders call for ammunition supplies to Kiev

Was Hungary's refusal to provide financial aid to Ukraine the main concern of the Summit? Watch an interview with Ziva Faktore, head of our Brussels office and deputy director, who comments on this topic for Slovak RTVS.

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Policy Paper | European Union Values and Member States: Crises, Solidarity, and the Role of the Rotating Council Presidency

In order to fight major problems facing the European Union, including the constant accusations of the democratic deficit of the entire integration project, it is necessary to understand the importance of adopting, respecting, and implementing fundamental European values in member states. Writes Dario Čepo in his Policy Paper.

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