ČT24 | Division into political groups in the European Parliament

The Czech Republic has 21 MEPs in the European Parliament. The ANO movement has the most representatives, followed by the Spolu coalition. In the European Parliament, there were seven groups before this year's elections, but now there will be one more. The European People's Party remains the strongest, followed by the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, and the Patriots for Europe. The new distribution of MEPs explained on ČT24 Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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STVR | The European Parliament will once again be led by Roberta Metsola

Roberta Metsola, a member of the European People's Party, has once again been elected President of the European Parliament. She was elected at the first session of the new European Parliament, with an overwhelming majority of MEPs voting in her favor. For Slovak STVR comments Filip Křenek, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute.

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STVR | The first plenary session of the European Parliament in its new composition

The first session of the European Parliament after the elections is beginning. MEPs will elect the presidents of the European Parliament and the European Commission. How does the plenary session proceed? And what will be crucial during it? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office at EUROPEUM Institute, responds for Slovak STVR.

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ČT24 | The first plenary session of the new European Parliament

MEPs will elect the new leadership of the European Parliament at the inaugural session in Strasbourg. Maltese MEP Roberta Metsola from the European People's Party is once again running for the position of president. On Thursday, they will also choose the head of the new European Commission, with most leaders supporting the current president, Ursula von der Leyen. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for ČT24.

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TASR | Slovakia will have only one female MEP in the European People's Party

After the June European elections, Slovakia will have its weakest representation in the largest political group of the European Parliament - the European People's Party - since joining the EU in 2004. The only MEP in the EPP faction will be Miriam Lexmann from the Christian Democratic Movement. For the Slovak News Agency commented Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office and deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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Czech Radio | New MEPs bring new debates. What challenges await the new European Parliament?

According to the Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute Martin Vokálek European topics will be more frequently discussed in the public sphere. The reason for this are the newly elected MEPs, who met for the first time this week at a plenary session in Strasbourg. Their ranks include not only "traditional" politicians but also prominent figures with unconventional approaches. What challenges and changes can we expect from the new European Parliament? Listen to the Czech Radio podcast Bruselské chlebíčky.

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CNN Prima News | How political group work in the European Parliament?

Last week the discussions about the political groups of the European Parliament finalized. What exactly are they and what are their tasks? And what role will Czech MEPs play in them? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute answered these questions on the morning show of CNN Prima News.

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Czech Radio | Babiš will be seen as a pro-Russian politician due to his faction in the European Parliament

ANO movement leader Andrej Babiš recently co-founded a new group in the European Parliament with Viktor Orbán. Patriots for Europe, considered an extreme right-wing bloc, now include parties of Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders among others. Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala labeled it as pro-Russian oriented. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on Babiš's actions for Czech Radio.

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Český rozhlas | Babiš bude kvůli své frakci v Evropském parlamentu vnímán jako proruský politik

Lídr hnutí ANO Andrej Babiš nedávno spoluzaložil novou politickou skupinu v Evropském parlamentu s Viktorem Orbánem. Frakce Patrioti pro Evropu, považovaná za krajně pravicový blok, nyní zahrnuje mimo jiné strany Marine Le Pen a Geerta Wilderse. Premiér Petr Fiala ji označil za prorusky orientovanou. Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM, Babišovy kroky komentoval pro Český rozhlas.

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Seznam Zprávy | Babiš' political group in the European Parliament is dominantly pro-Russian

The ANO movement has joined the new group Patriots for Europe, which it co-founded to promote national interests in Europe more effectively. Now it is third-largest in the European Parliament and includes, among others, the French National Rally of Marine Le Pen, and the Hungarian Fidesz of Viktor Orbán. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute talked in the podcast 5:59 of Seznam Zprávy how this affiliation could affect the perception of the Czech Republic abroad.

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