Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: Benefits and drawbacks of the membership for Klášterec nad Ohří

Come join the next event in the Café Evropa regional debate series! This time, we will be in Klášterec nad Ohří. What do you think of the Czech Republic's 20 years in the EU? Are you concerned about what the Migration Pact or the Green Deal might bring? Have European subsidies helped in the development of the town? What has the European Union given and taken from you? We want to hear from you!

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Hospodářské noviny | EU boycott of Orbán. Europe ignores Hungary for a trip to see Putin

Hungary may hold the EU presidency until the end of the year, but member state politicians plan to ignore meetings the country holds. This is in response to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's secret visit to Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as an unscheduled call for a ceasefire issued to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Vít Havelka, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the boycott for Hospodářské noviny.

Show more | The number of migrants arriving in Europe has significantly decreased, with many heading to the Canary Islands

The European agency Frontex has released data on the number of migrants arriving in the European Union. This year, it recorded a third less migrants who have entered the Union illegally compared to last year. What are the reasons behind the decrease in migrant numbers? Did the failed agreement between the United Kingdom and Rwanda have an impact? Will the recently approved migration pact, which will come into effect in two years, also help? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for

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Seznam Zprávy | The victory of Ursula von der Leyen. How she became president of the Commission for the second time

Ursula von der Leyen has secured another five years at the helm of the EU executive. She received more support from MEPs in a secret ballot than five years ago. She succeeded despite leading the Commission through times of unprecedented crises. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, reviewed previous five-year term for Seznam Zprávy.

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TV Nova | Patriots for Europe recruiting new parties for political group status in the European Parliament

Andrej Babiš's dream of establishing a new political party in the European Parliament is coming true and it looks like the new grouping could shuffle the political cards. A number of strong parties have expressed interest in membership and it could happen that even the strongest far-right party could be formed. In addition to ANO movement MEPs two other from Přísaha a Motoristé sobě coalition could also join the party. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the formation and influence of the possible new group for the main evening broadcast on TV Nova.

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RTVS | Political Groups in the European Parliament

The European People's Party (EPP) in the European elections may face competition from political groups such as the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and the far-right Identity and Democracy (ID). After the elections, negotiations on the structure of the political groups and the future President of the European Commission will commence behind closed doors. Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Slovak radio RTVS.

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TV Nova | What threatens the European Union?

Before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, a debate was held on TV Nova among the leading figures of the seven main political parties, movements, and coalitions. Important issues such as the migration pact or the conflict in Ukraine were discussed. Martin Vokálek, Director of EUROPEUM Institute, provided an analysis for TV Nova regarding the main threats facing the European Union.

Show more | European Parliament Elections: Forecasts, Threats, Expectations

The elections to the European Parliament, which are taking place place from June 6 to 9, could bring significant changes to the EU's political scene. Polls suggest that there could be a strengthening of right-wing and populist parties, which could weaken current support for Ukraine and bolster Eurosceptic and pro-Russian positions. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the Ukrainian server

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JOJ24 | Post-election negotiations within the European Parliament and the potential of the far right

The far right is often disunited, as it lacks electoral discipline and prioritizes its own interests of national politics over its political group. In an interview for the Slovak television JOJ24, Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, describes the role European Conservatives and Reformists and the far right from the Identity and Democracy Group could play in coalition building.

Show more | Up to a third of Czech voters do not know the EU Commissioner Věra Jourová

Czech Commissioner Věra Jourová has been Vice-President of the European Commission for the past five years, as well as Commissioner for Values and Transparency. EUROPEUM Institute has assessed her tenure and popularity in the Czech Republic in cooperation with STEM. The results of the survey were presented to by EUROPEUM analyst Vít Havelka.

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