TV Nova | How does the EU protect consumers?

The elections to the European Parliament start in the Czech Republic on Friday 7 June. Consumer protection has been one of the issues that have occupied MEPs for the past five years. But the original priority has had to give way to a number of current crises. Klára Votavová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the main evening broadcast on TV Nova.

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Ekonomický deník | Europe's dependence on imports from China is growing

The essential components needed to grow the modern economy include chips and semiconductors, solar panels and batteries for electric cars. All of these are imported into Europe from Asian countries instead of manufacturing capacity being built here. Viktor Daňek, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, said it is necessary to open a debate on the reform of the common budget and new revenues.

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The Hill | The threat of Russian nationalism looms over Europe

The threat of Russian nationalism poses a serious danger to Europe, as emphasized by the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in his speech in April. Russia is attempting to reassert its influence, particularly through its war against Ukraine, which undermines European security. What impact does the reemergence of Russian nationalism, supported by China, have on European security, and how should the West respond to this geopolitical reality? In his commentary for the American news website The Hill, Hugo Blewett-Mundy, an external collaborator and research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, addresses this topic.

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Delo | Tense artmosphere in Slovakia after the attack on the Prime Minister

The Slovak political scene has unified and called for calming political tensions following the attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. However, there are concerns that the governing parties might exploit this tragedy to strengthen their power. It is necessary for political leaders to act responsibly and consider long-term consequences, commented Kristína Chlebáková, Project Manager at Institute EUROPEUM, for the Slovenian newspaper Delo.

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ČRo | Czech Republic abstains in the final vote on the migration pact

The Migration Pact heads to its final vote in the Council of Ministers. The Czech Republic will abstain in this final vote. What is the process of approval within the European Union? What led to the change of position? And what are the implications for the EU of the just-approved migration pact? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Czech Radio.

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Visegrad/Insight | Tractors Trending: V4 Populists Appropriate the Farmers’ Protests Ahead of the EP Elections

The populist camps in the Visegrad Four countries have used the farmers' protests in their populist campaigns for the European Parliament elections in June. A fundamental change to the last EU elections in 2019 is visible in the politicians' messages towards the people, with social media taking over the classic platforms such as television, press or radio. Project Manager of Global Europe programme at EUROPEUM Institute, Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister, wrote an article on this topic for Visegrad/Insight.

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Právo | Orbán's game turned against him

One of the shortest summits in the history of the EU ended by unanimous agreement. Why were there no protracted negotiations and what position does this put Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk explains in a commentary.

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Deník N | Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to the EU?

Last week, the European Union decided to open accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, while Georgia became a candidate for membership. The countries are embarking on a multi-year journey towards integration, on which many obstacles lie - if only because parts of them are occupied by the Russian Federation. Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented for Deník N on what awaits these countries, and the whole of the EU-27, in connection with this decision in the coming years.

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Policy Paper | European Union Values and Member States: Crises, Solidarity, and the Role of the Rotating Council Presidency

In order to fight major problems facing the European Union, including the constant accusations of the democratic deficit of the entire integration project, it is necessary to understand the importance of adopting, respecting, and implementing fundamental European values in member states. Writes Dario Čepo in his Policy Paper.

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Policy Paper | Securing Green Transition

Our Senior Research Fellow, Kateřina Davidová and Research Associate, Jonathan Lyons, in partnership with the Global Policy Research Group, have collaborated on a study that examines the secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials (CRMs) that are key to green technologies. The study recommends a strategy for Sweden and the Czech Republic to ensure sustainable supply chains to help the transition to green technologies.

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