Decarbonization of the Industrial Sector: Sustainable Finance as an Opportunity?

Institut EUROPEUM navázal spolupráci s institucemi v zemích Visegrádské čtyřky, aby provedl analýzu na národní úrovni a zapojil místní zúčastněné strany. Hlavním cílem projektu je stanovit prioritní politiky, které umožní dekarbonizaci těžkého průmyslu tak, aby byla v souladu se závazky zemí Visegrádské čtyřky limitovat v budoucnosti globální oteplování do 1,5 °C.

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INVITATION | Pacific Talks: Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia

We would like to invite you to a debate called "Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia " in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Friday, December 2 at 11:30.

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POZVÁNKA | Pacific Talks: Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na debatu EU-Pacific Talks: Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia, která se bude konat 2.12. od 11:30 online na našem Facebooku.

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INVITATION | Defending our Democratic Norms: Strengthening Transatlantic Relations in Times of Conflict

We would like to invite you to the debate called "Defending our Democratic Norms: Strengthening Transatlantic Relations in Times of Conflict". The debate will take place on November 23 at the American Center at 10:00 am. The language of the debate will be English.

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Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe | Forging a digitally advanced future with deepened transatlantic cooperation

Our Danielle Piatkiewicz contributed with her chapter on "Securing a Digital Future" to the publication "Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe", published by the Centre for European Perspective. Danielle and other authors have created a publication on transatlantic cooperation and its impact on the digital future.

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Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe | Forging a digitally advanced future with deepened transatlantic cooperation

Naše Danielle Piatkiewicz přispěla svojí kapitolou o „Securing a Digital Future“ do publikace s názvem "Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe“, kterou publikovalo Centre for European Perspective. Danielle spolu s dalšími autory vytvořili publikaci, ve které se věnují transatlantické spolupráci a jejímu dopadu na digitální budoucnost.

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Blog | A drop of leftwing in a sea of rightwing? The Brazilian elections

As the world eagerly awaits the outcomes of Brazilian elections, which will have strong impacts on the future of the Amazon and global climate efforts, our intern, Benedetta Milani, breaks down the status quo as Brazil determines its political future tomorrow.

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ČRo: What is the energy situation in our country and in the world? How will the government strategy evolve here and in European countries? What about the world

The International Energy Agency said in its quarterly report that Europe will face unprecedented risks regarding Russian supplies and may be forced to compete with Asia for liquefied natural gas. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý discussed the European situation, including the Czech situation in this global context, with Martina Mašková.

Show more China's electric car wave will overwhelm Europe, warns analysis

The driving force of the electric car market is no longer Europe or the United States, but China. It is now trying to push its production into Europe, but the European current production infrastructure is not capable to face the challenge. While the debate about electric cars is mainly limited to environmental friendliness and price for consumers, the future of global competition is often neglected. This is what our researchers Vít Havelka and Michal Hrubý point out in a new analysis on electromobility. To safeguard its automotive industry, Europe needs to work on improving its battery production capacities, as well as its supply chains for primary raw materials, the experts say.

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EU MONITOR: Recharging the Czech EU Presidency

Czechia will enter its second round of the EU Presidency on the 1st of July. Despite the ongoing major shift toward e-mobility across the EU, no strong commitments are coming from the Czech government. The widely accepted milestone of 2035 for phasing-out the sales of new non-zero-emission cars is still perceived by many local policy-makers as unrealistic. Michal Hrubý, a research fellow at the Institute for European Policy, writes in his EU Monitor.

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