ČTK: Czechia has consistently fulfilled its role as presiding country, Brussels experts say

Lots of good work, successful, excellent. These are also the terms used by analysts working in Brussels to assess the end of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In interviews with ČTK, a trio of experts, including the head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, praised the way the Czech Republic has approached directing the debates between the member states.

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Český rozhlas: Czech households and companies are failing to save on electricity compared to gas

While businesses and households can save gas, they are not doing so with electricity. Why is that? A study on this topic has been produced and commented on by its co-author and our researcher Michal Hrubý for the Czech Radio stations ČRo Plus and Radiožurnál.

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EkonTech.cz: The inclusion of natural gas and nuclear as supported resources through the EU taxonomy was pragmatic

Our researcher Michal Hrubý wrote an article on ESG and natural gas for the magazine EkonTech.cz. He comments on the current development of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), including the role of taxonomy and natural gas as a basic commodity for industry and households.

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Energie bez emisí: The decline of fossil fuels is clear, the biggest challenge is to solve raw material dependence

Our researcher Michal Hrubý was a guest on the Energy Without Emissions podcast. He answers questions on issues such as current energy prices and their possible future development, what impact climate change will have on industry, what is the state's strategy or how the state is approaching the situation.

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INVITATION | New Challenges in the Implementation of the EU Climate Goals | Czech EUKI Community Conference

We would like to invite you to a Czech EUKI Community Conference. The public panel discussion of the conference will take place on 9th November 2022, 13:00 - 14:15 at the House of the European Union, Jungmannova 745/24, 110 00 Nové Město, Prague, Czechia.

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POZVÁNKA | Nové výzvy při plnění cílů EU v oblasti klimatu | Czech EUKI Community Conference

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na veřejnou část Czech EUKI Community Conference. Veřejná panelová diskuse v rámci konference se uskuteční 9. listopadu 2022 od 13:00 do 14:15 v Evropském domě, Jungmannova 745/24, 110 00 Nové Město, Praha.

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Background Paper Think Tank Forum | The State of Democracy and Rule of Law in WB6

This article was written as background material for a panel discussion at the Think Tank Forum: EU Enlargement. The authors of the article are Oszkár Roginer, Project Manager, and Žiga Faktor, Head of our Brussels office. In the article, the authors discuss, among other things, elections, political pluralism, civil society, media, and fundamental rights in the Western Balkan countries.

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Podkladový materiál Think Tank Forum | Stav demokracie a právního státu ve WB6

Tento článek byl napsán jako podkladový materiál pro panelovou diskuzi v rámci Think Tank Forum: EU Enlargement. Autory článku jsou Oszkár Roginer, projektový manažer a Žiga Faktor, vedoucí naší bruselské kanceláře. V článku se autoři věnují mimo jiné volbám, politickému pluralismu, občanské společnosti, médiím či základním právům v zemích západního Balkánu.

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Background paper Think Tank Forum | Green agenda in the Western Balkans

Researcher Michal Hrubý prepared a background paper on the Green Agenda in the Western Balkans in the framework of the Think Tank Forum held in the first half of October 2022. In the paper, he discusses the role of the Green Agenda itself and its future. Indeed, the so-called Green Deal is the cornerstone of the EU's climate agenda, and the Western Balkans has declared the importance of this agreement by signing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) in 2011.

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BLOG: A failed foreign policy? Germany's reliance on Russian energy.

Jakub Ferenčík has written a blog on German dependence on Russian gas. In his post he discusses how the German government's initially positive intention to tie Russia to Europe through economic intergation for political stability has backfired and resulted in the opposite. It mentions the role of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who contributed significantly to Germany's dependence on Russian supplies, and the circumstances surrounding the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The second part analyses the legacy of former Chancellor Merkel and her failure to perceive Russian expansionist tendencies.

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