INVITATION: What Europe in 2025?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that we co-organize under Prague European Summit titled ''What Europe in 2025?''

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REPORT: The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe

On Thursday 26th of October 2017 we organized a roundtable debate "The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe", from which a report is now available.

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REPORT: The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe

Dne 26. října 2017 se konal kulatý stůl pod názvem ''The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe'', ze které je nyní k dispozici report.

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HN: Only democratic parties should participate in the government

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the potential impacts the future government could have on the relationships with the European Union.

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HN: Juncker will meet the V4 leaders

Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot contributed with his comment to the article of Ondřej Houska about the different opinions of the V4 countries and EU representatives.

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ČT24: Commentary on the meeting of Donald Tusk with the European leaders

Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on Studio ČT24, where he commented on the meeting of the President of the European Council Donald Tusk with the representatives of the EU member states

Show more How do the Czech media report on the EU? Opinion of two former reporters in Brussels server has published a report by Tereza Chlebounová about the previous Café Evropa called "EU Media image - how to get oriented between hoaxes and the truth?"

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INVITATION: Europe without borders: Internal market challenges seen from Prague

We would like to cordially invite you to the conference on "Europe without borders: Internal market challenges seen from Prague", which will take place on November 8 at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU.

Show more PDF The unity of EU was served by Juncker to V4 leaders

Head of our institute Vladimír Bartovic commented on the meeting of Jean-Claude Juncker with the leaders of the V4 countries in the eve of European summit on migration and security.

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The Democrat: República Checa: Crise política iniciada pelo CSSD favorece ascensão de Andrej Babis à liderança do governo

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the political situation in the Czech Republic for the Portuguese magazine "The Democrat".

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