HN: Only democratic parties should participate in the government

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the potential impacts the future government could have on the relationships with the European Union.

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the potential impacts the future government could have on the relationship with the European Union. In the article by Ondřej Houska from 30th of October in the Hospodářské noviny newspaper, he expressed his concerns about the potential participation of the Tomio Okamura's SPD party in the government, which could affect the Czech-EU relations.

Full article in Czech language is available in the archive of Hospodářsé noviny.

#Czech election #Election 2017 #Věra Jourová

Expertise: EU institutional issues, Economic and Monetary Union, € and European budget, Brexit, EU foreign policy, EU enlargement with the focus on Western Balkans, Slovak foreign and domestic policy and economic issues

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