Report | Monitoring of the EU's Green Policies: Perceptions and Narratives in the Czech and Slovak Information Space

The European Green Deal is the core of the current climate strategy of the European Union, which has set the goal of making Europe a carbon-neutral continent by 2050. In an effort to monitor and counter disinformation narratives about the deal, IRI's Beacon project launched an initiative called the “European Green Deal: Mapping perceptions in Central and Eastern Europe,” in which six partner organizations studied how the deal is perceived in Bulgaria, Czechia, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Our project manager and juniour researcher, Tatiana Mindeková, analyzed narratives spread about the Green Deal and the EU’s green policies through Czech chain emails as well as through selected mainstream media and websites known for spreading disinformation.

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Policy Paper | Serbia and Its Foreign Policy Alignment after the War in Ukraine

Ferenc Németh, a researcher on the politics, security and integration of the Western Balkans, has written a policy paper under the project Think Visegrad in Brussels. In it he examines Serbia's foreign policy towards the European Union after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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BLOG | “A Close Neighbor Is Better Than a Distant Relative” - Belt and Road Initiative: Are We Closer After 10 Years?

In 2013, the Chinese president introduced the New Silk Road project, also known as the Belt and Road Initiative. It was to connect China with countries in Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe and maritime regions with the purpose to coordinate policies and link infrastructure. However, the initiative, and especially China's role in it, raises many questions and doubts. What is its future? This is what our intern Šárka Váchalová discusses in her blog.

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iROZHLAS: Suspension of the Erasmus programme for Hungary? "Punishment and isolation of students."

Hungarian students from 21 universities are at risk of not being able to participate in the Erasmus+ education programme. The European Commission has temporarily cut them off. "The students who stand to lose the most from Erasmus are not the children of upper-middle-class parents, but those from smaller towns and rural areas. They don't have the means to travel abroad," Hungarist Oszkár Roginer, Global EU project manager at the EUROPEUM Institute, criticised the decision to

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Transatlantic Policy Forum 2022 - Overview

Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) is a closed-door summit for decision-makers and opinion-formers co-organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy with partners. TAPF has been held in Prague every Autumn since 2018 under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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BLOG | Climate, Energy and the Green Deal in the Czech Chain Mails

Tatiana Mindeková, our project manager and junior researcher, wrote a blog on the topic: Climate, Energy and the Green Deal in the Czech Chain Mails. What narratives are spread about the green politics of the EU in the Czech chain mails?

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EU MONITOR | From boom to bust: How uncoordinated policies halted solar power deployment in Czechia

In his EU Monitor, Jonathan Lyons writes about the future of solar energy in the Czech Republic. "Harnessing the full potential of solar energy will not only help to meet the EU's decarbonisation targets, but also boost energy security and create local jobs. The potential for solar energy in the Czech Republic is considerable, up to 12 GW," writes Lyons.

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INVITATION | EU - Pacific Talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players

We would like to invite you to the debate EU-Pacific Talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players. The debate will take place online on Friday, December 16 at 11:00.

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INVITATION | Serbia’s EU integration process: A long and rocky road

We would like to invite you for a public discussion and screening of a documentary on Serbia’s EU integration process. The debate will take place on Monday 19 December, 15:30 - 17:30; at Impact Hub D10 in Prague.

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Decarbonization of the Industrial Sector: Sustainable Finance as an Opportunity?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy partnered up with the institutions from the Visegrad Group countries and now leads the project consortium. The main objective of the project is to identify priority policies that will enable the decarbonisation of heavy industry in a way that is consistent with the commitments of the Visegrad Four countries to limit future global warming to 1.5 °C. To reach this objective, partners conduct original research and engage the local stakeholders.

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