Background Study | Minerals and Metals for the energy transition

On Thursday 8 September 2022, a briefing was held under the leadership of the European Climate Foundation and with the support of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, entitled: "Do we have enough minerals and metals to achieve energy transition and electromobility?". The briefing also produced a short background study on Minerals and Metals for Energy Transition.

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ČRo: Low-carbon transformation will be challenging in the context of consumable natural resources

The European Union will restrict the sale of cars with internal combustion engines by 2035. Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on Czech Radio about the critical materials for the green transformation.

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ČRo: Nízkouhlíková transformace bude v rámci spotřebních přírodních surovin náročná

Do roku 2035 omezí Evropská unie prodej aut se spalovacími motory. Ke kritickým materiálům pro zelenou transformaci se pro Český rozhlas vyjádřila naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Kateřina Davidová.

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CRo: Low-carbon transformation will be challenging in the context of consumable natural resources

The European Union will restrict the sale of cars with internal combustion engines by 2035. Our researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on Czech Radio on the critical materials for the green transformation.

Show more Will the EU find a common solution to the energy crisis?

The current price stability of the gas market does not mean the end of problems with possible shortages. The European Commission has therefore prepared a series of measures to stabilise the market and ensure that there will be plenty of gas next year. Our senior research fellow Kateřina Davidová commented on what measures are on the table and how individual countries will respond to the crisis.

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CRo Plus: Mission of Reconciliation. Why are relations between France and Germany strained?

The originally scheduled regular meeting between the governments of France and Germany was eventually postponed. Could this be a signal of some major differences in relations between the countries? What are the causes of the contradictions? Are they more personal or political? What impact could it have if Paris and Berlin fail to agree on their position on China? Our senior research fellow Vít Havelka commented on the situation between the countries in the programme Odpolední Plus for Czech Radio Plus.

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CRo Plus: Mise usmíření. Proč jsou vztahy mezi Francií a Německem napjaté?

Původně naplánované pravidelné jednání vlád Francie a Německa bylo nakonec odloženo. Může to být signál nějakých větších rozporů ve vztazích mezi státy? Jaké jsou příčiny rozporů? Jsou spíše osobního rázu nebo politické? Jaký dopad by mohlo mít, pokud by se Paříž a Berlín nedohodli na postoji k Číně? Situaci mezi zeměmi komentoval v pořadu Odpolední Plus pro Český rozhlas Plus náš seniorní výzkumný pracovník Vít Havelka.

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MF DNES: EU to buy gas together, no price ceiling yet

European leaders agree on how to tackle the current gas situation. The solution should be joint purchases or compulsory solidarity between countries in case of emergency. Two instruments to limit the price of gas were agreed. The first is a dynamic price limit, which should moderate prices in the event of a rapid increase. The second should ensure that prices are corrected in the event of fluctuations during daily trading on the stock exchange. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý provided his view on these solutions to Mladá fronta Dnes.

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Background Paper Think Tank Forum | Can the EU enlargement process be finally revitalized?

This article was written as background material for a panel discussion at the Think Tank Forum: EU Enlargement. The author of the article is senior researcher Jana Juzová. In the article, she discusses, for example, whether the war in Ukraine will speed up the accession negotiations of the Western Balkan countries to the EU.

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Podkladový materiál Think Tank Forum | Může být proces rozšiřování EU konečně oživen?

Tento článek byl napsán jako podkladový materiál pro panelovou diskuzi v rámci Think Tank Forum: EU Enlargement. Autorkou článku je seniory výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová. V článku se věnuje například tomu, jestli se kvůli válce na Ukrajině urychlí přístupová jednání zemí západního Balkánu do EU.

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