REPORT: The year 1968: Czech-Polish reflection - shared experience, shared enemy?

In the aftermath of our public debate titled "The year 1968: Czech-Polish reflection – shared experience, shared enemy?'' that took place in the framework of the Czech-Polish Forum project, nine essays by Czech and Polish authors were published and are available right now.

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REPORT: Rok 1968: Česko-polská reflexe - sdílená zkušenost, sdílený nepřítel?

Dne 12. prosince 2017 se v Praze uskutečnila veřejná diskuse s názvem Rok 1968: Česko-polská reflexe - sdílená zkušenost, sdílený nepřítel?'' V rámci projektu Česko-polského fóra byly českými a polskými autory sepsány eseje věnující se tomuto tématu, které jsou nyní k dispozici.

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REPORT: Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History

After the launch of the publication "Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History", which took place on December 15, 2017 in Bratislava, the book is now available to order!

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REPORT: Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History

Po křestu publikace s názvem "Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History", který se uskutečnil 15. prosince 2017 v Bratislavě, je nyní možné si publikace objednat!

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REPORT: Quo Vadis Eastern Partnership? A Retrospective Look Into Future

The report from the conference ''Quo Vadis Eastern Partnership? A Retrospective Look Into The Future'', which took place on November 23, 2017 in Brussels, is now available.

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REPORT: Quo Vadis Eastern Partnership? A Retrospective Look Into Future

Report z konference s názvem ''Quo Vadis Eastern Partnership? A Retrospective Look Into Future'', která se uskuteční 23. 11. 2017 v Bruselu, je nyní k dispozici.

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Old and New EU Engines - Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit

On October 9, 2017 an international conference “Old and new EU engines: Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit” took place. Our Zuzana Stichlíková contributed with her speech regarding the influence of Brexit on the Czech Republic.

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Old and New EU Engines - Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit

Dne 9. 10. 2017 se konala mezinárodní konference s názvem “Old and new EU engines: Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit” a naše Zuzana Stuchlíková se zúčastnila a přispěla do debaty svým komentářem o možných vlivech Brexitu na Českou republiku.

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REPORT: Czech contributions to the international security

On November 16th, 2017 took place the expert roundtable “Czech contributions to the international security“ with the Czech Ambassador to NATO Mr. Jiří Šedivý. It discussed the latest developments in the security policy sector from the perspective of the Czech Republic. Report from this event. is already available.

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REPORT: Czech contributions to the international security

16. listopadu 2017 se konal kulatý stůl za účasti stálého představitele ČR při NATO Jiřího Šedivého pod názvem "Czech contributions to the international security“. Přinášíme report z akce.

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