CRo: Low-carbon transformation will be challenging in the context of consumable natural resources

The European Union will restrict the sale of cars with internal combustion engines by 2035. Our researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on Czech Radio on the critical materials for the green transformation.

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CRoPlus: The raw materials needed for a clean energy transition exist. The challenge is the time needed to gain them

The transition to clean energy requires sufficient critical resources to enable this transformation. Consumption of these materials is expected to grow significantly in the future. How will the EU's decarbonisation efforts evolve in the future? This topic was discussed by our researcher Michal Hrubý in the Studio Leonardo programme of Český rozhlas Plus. According to Hrubý, the problem is not the lack of resources, but the time it takes to obtain the raw materials. In this context, he draws attention to a new legislative initiative of the European Commission, which aims to better coordinate the time of extraction of critical materials.

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Kam pak?: The EU throws money at us and we don't use it, says an expert on climate and energy

Energy and climate crisis, rising electricity prices. Is the European Union taking sufficient and correct steps in this energy situation? In podcast Kam pak? our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on the current situation and the future. In the podcast, they discussed the current rising energy prices, the green transformation and different approaches to sustainability.

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Job offer: Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is looking for a Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme. For more information, including requirements, please see the attached PDF.

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Výběrové řízení: Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM hledá do svých řad výzkumného pracovníka / výzkumnou pracovnici pro náš program Just Europe. Více informací včetně požadavků naleznete v přiloženém PDF.

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EU MONITOR: Recharging the Czech EU Presidency

Czechia will enter its second round of the EU Presidency on the 1st of July. Despite the ongoing major shift toward e-mobility across the EU, no strong commitments are coming from the Czech government. The widely accepted milestone of 2035 for phasing-out the sales of new non-zero-emission cars is still perceived by many local policy-makers as unrealistic. Michal Hrubý, a research fellow at the Institute for European Policy, writes in his EU Monitor.

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EU MONITOR: Recharging the Czech EU Presidency

Česko vstoupí 1. července do druhého kola předsednictví EU. Navzdory probíhajícímu významnému posunu směrem k e-mobilitě v celé EU nepřicházejí ze strany české vlády žádné silné závazky. Všeobecně přijímaný milník pro postupné ukončení prodeje nových automobilů s nenulovými emisemi do roku 2035 je mnoha místními politiky stále vnímán jako nereálný. Píše Michal Hrubý, výzkumný pracovník Insititutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM ve svém EU Monitoru.

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FÓRUM sociální politiky: The Green Deal can be socially progressive

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová has written in the professional journal FORUM of Social Policy a short essay on how the Green Deal can be socially progressive. In the article, she summarises the current development of the Green Deal for Europe with a focus on socio-economic areas. The text argues that a socially just transformation to a low-carbon economy will only be achieved when the polluter pays principle is respected and free allowances are no longer handed out to big industry.

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Invitation: presentation of the study "Czech automotive industry in the process of change"

We would like to invite you to the presentation of the study on "Czech automotive industry in the process of change" with the participation of representatives of Boston Consulting Group, AutoSAP, EUROPEUM and LEEF Technologies. On Monday 13 June 2022 from 9.00-11.30.

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Empowering Serbian CSOs involved in the decarbonization process through the V4 experience

The project focuses on strengthening civil society organizations in Serbia towards more successful advocacy and enhanced participation in policymaking within the area of green transformation with a particular focus on coal phase-out.

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