| New political group in the European Parliament: under the baton of Orbán

Visegrad sovereigntists. This is the name given by European circles to the upcoming new faction of the European Parliament, which is expected to include seven MEPs from the Czech ANO movement. The leader of the Czech opposition, Andrej Babiš, who led his MEPs out of the influential liberal Renew Europe, is working with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to establish the new group. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on its formation.

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Seznam Zprávy | The political group in the EU that Babiš has joined is extremely positive news for Russia

Former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has announced the formation of a new alliance Patriots for Europe for the European Parliament. For the time being, in addition to the ANO movement, it consists of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's Fidesz and Herbert Kickl's Austrian FPÖ party. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on its formation and importance.

Show more | Post-election reshuffles. How will the European Parliament factions transform and who will dominate the EU institutions?

The key issues for the new term in the EU do not end with the European elections. Forces in European Parliament continue to shift depending on factions, while leaders select institutional leadership. How will the elections and the composition of the European Parliament influence the future functioning of the EU? And who will lead it? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, answered these questions for

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Hospodářské noviny | Climate is giving way to security and economy. However, easing off on green transformation now would be a strategic mistake

This year's elections to the European Parliament have sparked debates about continuing the European plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, despite recent events suggesting the need to reassess this plan. The election results did not signify as much of a setback for European green ambitions as anticipated. The priority of climate and environment is no longer as high among most Europeans as it was five years ago, reflecting current political and international challenges such as security, economic prosperity, and the competitiveness of European industry. Kateřina Davidova, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, wrote an opinion piece on this topic for Hospodářské noviny.

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The Parliament Magazine | From military support to EU membership: What the new European Parliament means for Ukraine

The results of the European elections are favorable for Ukraine; the center-right European People's Party (EPP) won the most seats, thereby strengthening the position of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a strong supporter of Ukraine. On the other hand, while some groups to the right of the EPP also had successes, their support for Ukraine is mixed. Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, commented the situation for The Parliament magazine.

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The Parliament Magazine | Od vojenské podpory po členství v EU: Co znamená nový europarlament pro Ukrajinu

Výsledky eurovoleb jsou pro Ukrajinu příznivé, středopravicová Evropská lidová strana (EPP) získala nejvíce křesel a tím i posílila pozici předsedkyně Evropské komise Ursuly von der Leyen, která silně podporuje Ukrajinu. Na druhé straně, i když některé skupiny napravo od EPP také zaznamenaly úspěchy, jejich podpora Ukrajině je smíšená. Situaci pro magazín The Parliament komentoval Žiga Faktor, zástupce ředitele a vedoucí bruselské kanceláře Institutu EUROPEUM.

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ČT24 | Negotiations on the top EU positions

Two weeks after the publication of the European Parliament election results, it is unclear whether Ursula von der Leyen will remain at the head of the European Commission and the EPP party, which is expected to vote for her confirmation by the European Parliament, is weakening. The Renew Europe party has also weakened, losing its MEP's from Czech ANO movement. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for ČT24.

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ČRo Plus | Withdrawal of ANO from the Renew Europe party in the European Parliament

The ANO political movement will withdraw from the liberal Renew Europe faction in the European Parliament, as it says it cannot promote the programme it went into the European elections with. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this.

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Hospodářské noviny | The Green Deal may have been a topic of the European elections, but there is nothing to be done about it anymore

Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Hospodářské noviny's newsletter Directors of Europe on the future of the Green Deal after the recent European Parliament elections.

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TV Nova | Distribution of factions in the European Parliament

After the European Parliament elections, the elected national political parties have to split into different factions. This process is ongoing, with question marks surrounding the ANO party. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for TV Nova.

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