V4 - Chinese relations: A lost opportunity or a new start?

Alexandr Lagazzi in his new policy brief, explores the shift of Chinese attention on the 16+1 platform, from the V4 to the Western Balkans. While analysing the current relations between China and the V4, he points out what strategy the V4 could adopt in addressing this shift.

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V4 - Chinese relations: A lost opportunity or a new start?

Alexandr Lagazzi se ve svém novém policy briefu věnuje posunu pozornosti 16+1 platformy na Západní Balkán. Analyzuje současný stav vztahů mezi V4 a Čínou, a zabývá se tím, jakou strategii vůči Číně by V4 měla adoptovat.

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CIVPOL – Civil Diplomacy on Migration Project

We are proud to be partners of CIVPOL, a project that aims to indetify the role and actions of the V4 countries regarding the management of the migration crisis within the region, and to give recommendations for future assistance in connection with border management, humanitarian/ethnic-religious issues and legal undertakings.

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CIVPOL – Civil Diplomacy on Migration Project

S radostí oznamujeme, že jsme součástí projektu CIVPOL, projekt, jehož cílem je identifikovat roli a činnosti zemí V4 v oblasti managementu migrační krize v rámci regionu a poskytnout doporučení pro budoucí pomoc v souvislosti s řízením hranic, humanitárními / etnicko-náboženskými záležitostmi a právními závazky.

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REPORT: Czech contributions to the international security

On November 16th, 2017 took place the expert roundtable “Czech contributions to the international security“ with the Czech Ambassador to NATO Mr. Jiří Šedivý. It discussed the latest developments in the security policy sector from the perspective of the Czech Republic. Report from this event. is already available.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Chinese influence in the Western Balkans

Our Alexandr Lagazzi and Michal Vít, in a joint policy paper, focused on Chinese foreign policy and backdoor-deals diplomacy in the Western Balkans. Following on-the-ground research on the actual implementation of investment projects in Serbia and other Western Balkans countries, the paper analyzes the impact of Chinese influence in the region.

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INVITATION: Europe without borders: Internal market challenges seen from Prague

We would like to cordially invite you to the conference on "Europe without borders: Internal market challenges seen from Prague", which will take place on November 8 at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU.

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EuropaSecura 2017

Last week, the tenth year of our project EuropaSecura was marked by a nationwide final round of the competition, taking place in a military base in Brdy. The competing students got to experience what the representatives of the European Union are facing during a crisis situation, as well as learned how diplomatic negotiations take place within the EU and NATO.

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PRESS RELEASE: A Czech perspective for the future of the EU

On 1 June 2017, the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels hosted the conference "A Czech perspective for the future of the EU", from which the Press Release is now available.

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INVITATION: A Czech perspective for the future of the EU

We would like to cordially invite you to the conference on "A Czech perspective for the future of the EU".

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