Prague European Summit | „Jádro musí být součástí Green Dealu.” Ministři Lipavský a Síkela na konferenci představili své priority pro příští Evropskou komisi

V rámci 10. výročí konference Prague European Summit vystoupili se svými projevy ministr zahraničních věcí Jan Lipavský a ministr průmyslu a obchodu Jozef Síkela. Oba reagovali na stále se měnící výzvy, kterým Evropa musí čelit a rozpínající se agresi Ruska, ministr Síkela pak zdůraznil nutnost transformace ekonomiky.

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Prague European Summit | Slovak President Čaputová warned against the rise of extremism and hatred on social media

Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová was the guest of honour at the 10th anniversary Prague European Summit. At the Czernin Palace, she received the traditional Vision for Europe Award from the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský.

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Prague European Summit | Slovenská prezidentka Čaputová varovala před nárůstem extremismu a nenávisti na sociálních sítích

Slovenská prezidentka Zuzana Čaputová vystoupila jako čestný host na jubilejním 10. ročníku konference Prague European Summit. V Černínském paláci z rukou ministra zahraničních věcí Jana Lipavského převzala tradiční cenu Vize pro Evropu.

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Internship in our Brussels office (FALL/WINTER 2024)

The EUROPEUM Brussels Office is offering an internship from September 2024 to January 2025. Find out more information below.

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Stáže v naší bruselské kanceláři (PODZIM/ZIMA 2024)

Bruselská kancelář Institutu EUROPEUM nabízí stáže od září 2024 do ledna 2025. Více informací o stáži najdete níže.

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ČT24 | Low turnout of Czech voters in European elections

Czechs wield significant power in Brussels, within the European Union, we rank as the ninth most populous country, placing us among the medium-sized nations. Moreover, Czechia is economically strong country. Yet, the turnout of Czech voters in European elections remains traditionally low, not only compared to other elections in the Czech Republic but also on a European scale. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed low turnout and other topics for ČT24.

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ČTK | The necessity to adapt cities to the increasing heatwaves

With the increasing frequency of tropical days due to climate change, it is essential to adapt cities as soon as possible through various adaptation measures, such as planting trees and plants. Experts emphasize the need for projects that reduce temperature and improve the quality of life for city residents, despite the financial challenges of their implementation. ČTK reports on the discussion on climate change organized by EUROPEUM Institute.

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Election night on the results of the European Parliament elections

We invite you to the event organized by the European Parliament Office in the Czech Republic, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and STEM Institute for Empirical Research. The evening will include two debates on the evaluation of the European Parliament and what challenges await the new one and the European elections and the future of Europe. Speakers include former MEP Pavel Telička and Vendula Kazlauskas from the Association for International Affairs. More information and a detailed programe of the evening can be found below.

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Volební noc k výsledkům voleb do Evropského parlamentu

Zveme Vás na akci pořádanou Kanceláří Evropského parlamentu v ČR, Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM a Ústavem empirických výzkumů STEM. V rámci večera se uskuteční dvě debaty na téma Hodnocení Evropského parlamentu a jaké výzvy čekají ten nový a Eurovolby a budoucnost Evropy. Jako řečníci vystoupí například bývalý europoslanec Pavel Telička nebo Vendula Kazlauskas z Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky. Více informací a detailní program večera najdete dále v textu.

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Hospodářské noviny | Sooner or later the Green Deal will hit our wallets and politicians are exploiting that fear. But it can't be stopped anymore

The Green Deal is becoming one of the main topics of the upcoming European Parliament elections. Candidate parties emphasize its importance and influence on future politics, with the expected changes affecting various sectors of the economy and the daily lives of citizens. In particular, the amendments to the rules for the ban on the sale of cars with internal combustion engines from 2035 and the upcoming ESG reporting, which could mean a significant administrative burden for medium-sized companies, are being discussed. The transformation towards green technologies brings both opportunities and challenges, and the outcome will depend on the skills and strength of individual negotiators in the coming negotiations. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed the topic in the Hospodářské noviny podcast.

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