EURACTIV: European cities face heatwaves. How are they combating it and what can the Czech Republic learn?

Cities in southern and western Europe are adapting to summer heatwaves. What measures are they taking to protect their citizens? In an article for EURACTIV, EUROPEUM Institute Associate Katarína Svitková describes the situation.

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Deník N: More aid to Ukraine, EU enlargement and Chinese electric cars. European Commission chief unveils her plans for next year

EUROPEUM Institute analyst Vít Havelka commented on Ursula von der Leyen's State of the Union speech, in which the European Commission President covered a number of key topics for the current and future development of the EU.

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ČT24: Under Ursula von der Leyen's leadership, the European Commission has succeeded in meeting more than ninety percent of its priorities

Ursula von der Leyen delivers her last State of the Union speech of her term today. Our researcher Klára Votavová responded to questions from the Czech Television about the speech.

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ČRo Plus: European Union increases commitment to renewable energy growth

The European Union is planning to increase its commitment to growing the share of renewables in the energy mix. Together, the Union now wants to reach 42.5 percent of renewable energy. How are individual member states approaching the challenge? EUROPEUM Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová analysed this topic for Czech Radio.

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EURACTIV | Sánchez's resigned government will probably manage the EU presidency, betting on small ambitions

The Czechs remember very well what it is like to preside over the EU Council without a stable government. The Spanish, however, have kind of counted on this scenario and their presidency is therefore not very ambitious. Nevertheless, they have to fulfill some important tasks. Read what Jana Juzová, Senior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, has to say.

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Deník N: Turning East, breaking off cooperation. How Slovakia's elections could change the direction of the country

Kristína Chlebáková, our project manager, commented in an article for Deník N on the upcoming parliamentary elections in Slovakia. The elections will take place at the end of September and may change the foreign policy orientation of Slovakia. Some political parties, including the biggest favourite, former Prime Minister Robert Fico's Smer - Social Democracy party, are campaigning on refusing aid to Ukraine, being friendly to Russia and attacking the EU and the US.

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ČT24: How did the European commission under Ursula von der Leyen's leadership manage to overcome crises?

The outgoing President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen prepares for her State of the Union speech. Žiga Faktor, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, assessed her tenure and achievements for Czech Television.

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ČRo Plus: Proposal for a radical reform of the functioning of the European Union

Žiga Faktor, director of the EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, commented for Czech Radio Plus on a proposal for a radical reform of the functioning of the European Union, which would have to be approved by all member states. Among the changes mentioned would be, for example, the renaming of the European Commission.

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ČRo Plus: Debate on future enlargement stirs Brussels

Charles Michel, President of the European Council, has sparked a debate on the future enlargement of the EU until 2030. That is why our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented on the topic in the radio.

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ČRo Plus: What outlook does North Macedonia have for joining the European Union?

Czech president Petr Pavel welcomed the President of North Macedonia, Steve Pendarovski, at Prague Castle. According to the Castle, the invitation to the Czech Republic is intended to express the support for the country's move towards the European Union. For Český Rozhlas Plus, the head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on the current events in North Macedonia.

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