BLOG: The stakes of the upcoming French elections

Rose Hartwig-Peillon writes in her blog about the upcoming French elections. How does the war in Ukraine affect the French presidential election, is Macron already the clear winner of the election or is it not a certainty? Is there a lack of a proper national debate in France?

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BLOG: The stakes of the upcoming French elections

Rose Hartwig-Peillon ve svém blogu píše o nadcházející francouzských volbách. Jak válka na Ukrajině ovlivňuje francouzské prezidentské volby, je už teď Macron jasným vítězem voleb nebo to nemá jisté? Chybí ve Francii řádná vnitrostátní diskuze?

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Balkan Insight: Czechia in 2022: Gathering Forces

The director of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, comments for Balkan Insight on the new government's stance on vaccination and the upcoming presidential elections in 2023. The article focuses on the current political situation in the Czech Republic and the challenges it will face in 2022.

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What will Draghi’s government mean for Italy’s climate policy and the European Green Deal?

In a blog post, Charlotte Bufano writes about what Mario Draghi's government can mean for Italy's climate policy and the European Green Deal.

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Co bude Draghiho vláda znamenat pro italskou klimatickou politiku a Zelenou dohodu pro Evropu?

Charlotte Bufano v blogovém článku píše o tom, co může vláda Maria Draghiho znamenat pro italskou klimatickou politiku a Zelenou dohodu pro Evropu.

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POLICY BRIEF: Implications of the 2020 US Presidential Election on the EU and Czech Climate Policy

In her brief, Aneta Navrátilová writes about the implications of the 2020 US Presidential Election on the EU and Czech Climate Policy

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POLICY BRIEF: Důsledky amerických prezidentských voleb roku 2020 na evropskou a českou klimatickou politiku

Aneta Navrátilová se ve svém briefu věnuje důsledkům amerických prezidentských voleb roku 2020 na evropskou a českou klimatickou politiku.

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INVITATION: Evaluating EU-NATO cooperation, Czech involvement and the prospect of improvement under new US leadership

We would like to invite you to a debate "Evaluating EU-NATO cooperation, Czech involvement, and the prospect of improvement under new US leadership". The event will take place on Thursday 10 December between 17:30–19:00 on Facebook.

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TA3: How the EU perceives Biden's victory

The director of our Institute, Vladimír Bartovic for Slovak news TA3, commented on Joe Biden's victory in the US presidential election and Biden's approach to the EU. He answers the question of what this choice means specifically for the EU-27 and what changes the European Union can expect in its relations with the United States.

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Hospodářské noviny: Mail-in ballots have a tradition in the US

Our research fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz commented on the ongoing US presidential election for Hospodářské noviny. In particular, she commented on the current counting of mail-in ballots which have a long tradition in the USA.

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