POLICY PAPER: Challenges in the Transatlantic Partnership: Are We Drifting Apart?

V listopadu loňského roku EUROPEUM ve spolupráci s předním americkým think-tankem CEPA uspořádalo druhý ročník Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF). Tento uzavřený kulatý stůl poskytnul jedinečnou příležitost k otevřené diskuzi o zásadních tématech transatlantické spolupráce. A náš výzkumný spolupracovník Martin Michelot dal dohromady debrief a analýzu těchto debat.

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ČRo Plus: Is the North Atlantic Alliance in a state of brain death, as French President Macron claims?

The North Atlantic Alliance has been operating for 70 years and continued support for collective defense commitments has been confirmed at the London Summit by leaders of all its Member States. The questioning came from French President Macron. This issue was elaborated by our Louis Cox-Brusseau in an interview for ČRo Plus.

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EU MONITOR: European Sovereignty in Central Europe Ahead of the Conference on the Future of Europe

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński authored an EU Monitor on the European Sovereignty in Central Europe Ahead of the Conference on the Future of Europe

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EU MONITOR: European Sovereignty in Central Europe Ahead of the Conference on the Future of Europe

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński publikoval monitor, ve kterém se zabývá otázkou evropské suverenity ve střední Evropě před konferencí o budoucnosti Evropy.

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Policy report: Charting a new path for a reinforced and improved V4-France cooperation

We're publishing the final policy report from the project: Charting a new path for V4-France cooperation, which was written by sixteen invited experts including our Martin Michelot.

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Policy report: Charting a new path for a reinforced and improved V4-France cooperation

Zveřejňujeme závěrečný policy report z projektu: Zmapování nové cesty ke spolupráci V4-Francie, kterou napsalo šestnáct pozvaných odborníků včetně našeho Martina Michelota.

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France 24: Off and running: What eventual Trump re-election would mean for Europe

Our Martin Michelot took part in the debate broadcasted by the French state television network France 24. Its topic was the possible re-election of Donald Trump and its impact on Europe in terms of politics, economy or defence.

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Info.cz: Macron plays for high stakes. Le Pen is threat to EU

Martin Michelot answered the questions of the journalist from Info.cz about the French president Macron ahead of the European elections.

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Hospodárske noviny: Putin can dissolve cabinet and parliament. What are differences between heads of states‘ powers?

Our Martin Michelot commented on the French semi-presidential system for the Hospodárske noviny daily.

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France 24: Zuzana Caputova, une militante anticorruption en tête de la présidentielle en Slovaquie

Martin Michelot commented on the Slovak presidential election and the candidacy of Zuzana Caputová for the website of France 24, a French TV.

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