Balkan Insight | Czechia: Close of 2023 a grim warning of difficult times ahead

Faced with multiple domestic and geopolitical challenges and a population vocally demanding change, Czechia’s unpopular government will urgently need to find new impetus if it is to stand a chance against resurgent right-wing populists. Our researcher Klára Votavová provided her expert commentary for Balkan Insight.

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Euractiv | More wind, less coal. What are the benefits of wind energy for the Czech Republic?

Coal has been an important part of the Czech economy for decades. As a fossil fuel, however, it is a significant producer of greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Our Research Fellow Jonathan Lyons and Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová write in their commentary about the benefits of decarbonisation and switching to wind energy.

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E15 | Regulation of artificial intelligence meets resistance in Brussels. Germany, France and Italy have changed their minds

There is a row in Brussels over the upcoming regulation of AI. Our junior research fellow Silke Maes assesses what arguments are being put forward by individual member states and what impact they will have on future developments in her commentary.

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Op-Ed | The grain dispute is the first sign that Ukraine's EU accession will not be easy. What obstacles await on this path?

The Ukrainian grain situation is making waves in Europe. Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Ziga Faktor wrote an Op-Ed about the impact of the situation on the country's EU accession and how some member states are reacting.

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Op-Ed | Subsidised fossil fuels are a major obstacle to solving the climate crisis. The Czech Republic and the world must confront it

One of the biggest obstacles to solving the climate crisis is fossil fuel subsidies. However, they have not received much attention in the Czech Republic. An Op-Ed on this topic was written by our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová.

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Deník N | Climate change and the upcoming European elections

Climate change is an important topic that is increasingly appearing in various narratives in Czech political discourse. Our researcher Klára Votavová writes about environmental issues and the subsequent political response in her new commentary for Deník N, where she presents findings from the RevivEU project.

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ČT24 | Criticism of the EU or manipulation?

The news that the EU wants to restrict the keeping of certain domestic animals has made headlines. But it turns out that this is not the case. Is it necessary to create misinformation to criticise the European Union? The misleading information was pointed out by our deputy director Viktor Daněk, who commented for the ČT24 Newsroom programme.

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Právo | EU does not want to ban hamsters. It is examining the situation

The information that the European Union intends to ban the keeping of rodents, reptiles or parrots is not true. An expert study on the subject is still under way and it is not yet clear whether any measures will affect ordinary keepers at all. Viktor Daněk, our deputy director, has spoken out against the false news and commented on the topic for the daily Právo.

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Policy Paper | Quo Vadis? Ensuring fair taxation in the digital economy

In her policy paper, our Junior Researcher, Silke Maes, discusses the challenges posed by the increasing digitalization of the economy to tax systems. It highlights the problems of tax avoidance and competition arising from the increasing reliance on intangible assets and the emergence of highly profitable digital business models. The paper focuses on the efforts made at the OECD, EU, and national levels to address these issues.

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ČRo Plus: Serbians are in the streets. Everyone has a slightly different reason, but no one wants a country of fear and hatred

Serbian society is divided. For several days now, Belgrade has been experiencing streets full of protesters. Why are people taking to the streets and what is the mood in Serbia? In an interview for Za obzorem, our researcher Jana Juzová reflected on this.

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