Reforming the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS)

Christian Kvorning Lassen analyzoval ve svém nejnovějším policy paperu jak funguje společný evropský azylový systém a do jaké míry se v praxi zacházení s žadateli o azyl a míra uznání žádostí liší mezi jednotlivými členy EU.

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Foreign Policy: Likely Next Czech Prime Minister Will Get Along Great With Trump

In an interview for Foreign Policy, our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on Sobotka's recent attempt to tender the resignation of his entire coalition government.

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Foreign Policy: Likely Next Czech Prime Minister Will Get Along Great With Trump

Náš ředitel Vladimír Bartovic pro Foreign Policy komentoval nedávné oznámení premiéra Bohuslava Sobotky o demisi koaličního kabinetu - tedy kroku, namířeného proti ministrovi financí Andreji Babišovi.

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INVITATION: What should we do with anti-gender movements in Europe?

In cooperation with the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University of Prague we would like to cordially invite you to the lecture on the anti-gender phenomenon held by Andrea Pető – Professor at the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.

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What price do Serbia and Macedonia have to pay to save the EU?

Michal Vít analyses, in his latest policy paper, the state of EU cooperation with Serbia and Macedonia after the closing of the Balkan route, with focus on the role of the Czech Republic within the negotiations.

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ČRo Plus: Hungary's new higher education law

In an interview for ČRo Plus, our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the disputes over Hungary's new higher education law.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship 2017

EUROPEUM is one of eight receiving institutions taking part in the Think Visegrad Fellowship program.

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The Changing Balance of Power in the EU after the British Referendum – V4 Capacities and Opportunities

Zsuzsanna Csornai, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published an analysis of the balance of power within the European Union among Member States both in terms of capacities from the realist point of view and in terms of bargaining power in EU institutions.

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The Changing Balance of Power in the EU after the British Referendum – V4 Capacities and Opportunities

Zsuzsanna Csornai vypracovala v rámci projektu Think Visegrad analýzu rozložení sil v rámci Evropské unie mezi členskými státy. Studie v rámci analýzy konceptů rozdělení kapacity moci a vyjednávací síly vychází z teorie realismu.

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In Search of a New Political Culture

Christian Kvorning Lassen explores, in his latest blog, the future of political culture as the Western world approaches 2017 with a polarized society and uncertain outcomes of elections in Europe.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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