Aktuálně.cz: Domino effect in Central Eastern Europe? EU criticises attacks on media in Slovenia

Slovenia is beginning to resemble Hungary in many ways. The European Parliament's attention has been drawn, among other things, to pressure on journalists and independent institutions. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of the Institute for European Policy, commented on the state of the rule of law in Slovenia for Aktuálně.

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Aktuálně.cz: How will the future government approach the V4? Petr Fiala will be under pressure from several sides

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented for Aktuálně.cz on the future attitude of the newly formed coalition towards the Visegrad Four.

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Aktuálně.cz: 180 degree rotation. Merkel is building her legacy, calling for generosity instead of cuts

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic commented for the news server Aktuálně.cz on the topic of the approach of German Chancellor Angela Merkel towards EU's economic strategy.

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Aktuálně.cz: Babiš wants billions of euros from Brussels for construction of highways. Demands as from 80's, EU responds

Aktuálně.cz cited work of our researcher Vít Havelka in its article about the attitude of Czech Prime Minister Babiš towards EU budget.

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Aktuálně: Jourová made it through hearings and was approved by MEPs from Brussels.

In her five years as European Commissioner, Věra Jourová has learned a lot. Monday's three-hour marathon of MEPs questions, the so-called barbecue, she managed calmly, sometimes she even joked. MEPs rewarded her performance with unanimous approval, Aktualne.cz and HN confirmed a source close to the Commissioner. The hearing is a condition for future Commissioners to be able to actually take over their portfolios from November.

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Aktuálně.cz: Europe to undergo changes directed by von der Leyen. MEPs confirmed her as head of Commission

Our Martin Michelot commented on Tuesday's election of Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission for the news site Aktuálně.cz.

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Hospodárske noviny: Putin can dissolve cabinet and parliament. What are differences between heads of states‘ powers?

Our Martin Michelot commented on the French semi-presidential system for the Hospodárske noviny daily.

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PRESS CONFERENCE: The relations of US with its NATO allies

On Monday 9th of July we have organized a press conference with Lieutenant General Benjamin Hodges, the former commanding general of US Army in Europe.

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INFO.CZ: „The world is not going to stop because of our lack of a proper Foreign Minister; it is a problem“ experts say

Our Vladimír Bartovic was quoted in an article for Info.cz regarding the nomination of the Czech Foreign Minister.

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Lidovky.cz: Multi-speed Europe will be, thanks to Macron, a reality. It's on the Czech Republic to judge its stance.

Our Martin Michelot commented for Lidovky.cz on the outcome of the French presidential race that elected Emmanuel Macron.

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