Brexit finally has a deadline and it is not going to be April, 1st

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the possible scenarios of the upcoming Brexit negotiations for the Slovak

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Commentary: The Rome Summit

Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Tereza Novotná, Zuzana Stuchlíková and Alexandr Lagazzi react to the signed Rome Declaration from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.

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REPORT: Seminar "Foreign Policy and Trade under Trump's Presidency: What's Next for the Transatlantic Relations?"

On 23 February our Tereza Novotna together with the London School of Economics organised a seminar on the topic of foreign policy and trade under Trump's presidency. The report is now available.

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The Western Balkans on their way to the EU – status quo regardless of refugees

Michal Vít focuses, in his latest policy paper, on the contemporary political and societal context of the Western Balkan region from the perspective of EU enlargement, with focus on the developments during the refugees crisis.

Show more PDF The Supreme Court ruling will mainly complicate the Prime Minister's situation

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the ruling of the Supreme Court that Brexit must be confirmed by the British Parliament.

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Visa-free travels for Ukraine and Georgia: “Are we there yet?”

The latest contribution to the EASTERN MONITOR series by Nelly Tomčíková deals with the current issue of visa liberalization for Ukraine and Georgia.

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INVITATION: Assessing the future of EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans

We would like to invite you to the public debate on the issues of the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans region that will take place on 28 November.

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RTVS: The impact of Donald Trump presidency on the EU

Our director Vladimír Bartovic addressed the issue of Donald Trump presidency and its impact on EU-US relations and the relations with NATO on Rádio Slovensko RTVS.

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RTVS: France shut down 20 mosques to fight radical Islam

Martin Michelot commented on Tuesday at Rádio Slovensko - Rádiožurnál o 12:00 the attempts of the French government to reduce influence of radical imams on young Muslims.

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