ČRo Plus: Viktor Orbán celebrates another electoral victory

Vladimir Bartovic commented on the victory of Viktor Orbán. What does this mean for Hungary, and how strong is Orbán's grip on power?

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ČRo Plus: National populism and its reception in central Europe

Vít Havelka for ČRo Plus commented on the topic of our debate 'Nationalistic populism and its reception in central Europe'

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The discreet charm of hypocrisy: An EU-Turkey Power Audit

Vladimír Bartovic has contributed with a chapter on the relations of Czech Republic with Turkey within this ECFR publication aimed to analyse at the relationship of the EU and Erdogan's Turkey.

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Nouvelobs.com: Hungary: what can Brussels do against Viktor Orbán?

Martin Michelot gives his opinion for Nouvelobs.com, on how the European Union could counter Viktor Orbán's efforts.

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Info.cz: Viktor Orbán won the parliamentary elections. What can we expect?

Vladimír Bartovic has commented for Info.cz on the results of the Hungarian parliamentary elections, and gave his opinion on what to expect from Orbán in the future.

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INVITATION: Jean Quatremer: The enthusiasm for the European idea - why is it so hard to find it again?

We would like to cordially invite you to the debate with Jean Quatremer titled "The enthusiasm for the European idea - why is it so hard to find it again?" which will take place on April 16, 2018 at 19.00 at the European House in Prague.

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ČRo Plus: The EU Summit and the Skripal case

Vladimír Bartovic commented on the final statement of the EU countries after a two-day summit in Brussels.

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INVITATION: EU± // European army

We would like to cordially invite you to the public debate titled "EU± // European army" which will take place on April 5, 2018 at 19.00 in the Scout Institute in Prague.

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INVITATION: Anti EU-rhetoric versus national interests? Nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe

In cooperation with Central European University, GLOBSEC Policy Institute, Austrian Society for European Politics and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences we would like to cordially invite you to the conference on the topic of nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe.

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ČT24: EU leaders' summit

Vit Havelka commented on the upcoming EU leaders' meeting in Brussels.

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