ČRo Plus: Viktor Orbán celebrates another electoral victory

Vladimir Bartovic commented on the victory of Viktor Orbán. What does this mean for Hungary, and how strong is Orbán's grip on power?

Viktor Orbán won the Hungarian parliamentary elections. With an over 60% turnout and nearly 49% of his seats for Fidesz, Orbán has a very strong mandate. Vladimír Bartovic spoke about the role of media and whether the media in Hungary are still independent. 

In Hungary, to a certain extent, the plurality of the media - but rather the internet ones - remains. Orban has not managed to regulate the internet in any way, but the situation is quite different in terms of printed media or television and radio. Here, Orbán and Fidesz really control the vast majority of all media.

You can listen to the whole interview in Czech language in the ČRo Plus archive [10:48-16:19].

#Fidesz #Orban

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