EU MONITOR: Czech Republic vis-à-vis climate change: critical dilemmas ahead?

Our Milan Urbaník is the author of our latest EU monitor on the Czech Republic's relation to climate change. Its aim is to explore where the key dilemmas lay and what trade-offs need to be made in terms of climate change.

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EU MONITOR: Czech Republic vis-à-vis climate change: critical dilemmas ahead?

Náš Milan Urbaník je autorem nejnovějšího EU monitoru týkajícího se vztahu České republiky ke změně klimatu. Jeho cílem je zjistit, kde leží klíčová dilemata a jaké kompromisy jsou pro naši zemi v ohledu klimatické změny nevyhnutelné.

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EU MONITOR: Eurozone Reform: A Victim of Political Economy

Linda Zeilina, in her latest EU Monitor, explores the topic of Eurozone reform from the perspective of political economy.

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EU MONITOR: Eurozone Reform: A Victim of Political Economy

Linda Zeilina publikovala EU Monitor, ve kterém se zabývá reformou eurozóny.

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The transition to low-carbon economy will pay off also in the Czech Republic

Emission reduction is often presented by some Czech politicians as a threat to our industry. In her latest blog, our Kateřina Davidová explains what opportunities decarbonisation can bring to domestic companies.

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Commentary: EUCO Meeting in October 2019

EUCO meeting held on October 2019 brought several surprises. Read the comments of our experts regarding the future development of Brexit, EU enlargement or climate change combat. We've gathered answers from Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Jana Juzová, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Louis Cox-Brusseau and Martin Michelot.

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Komentář: Zasedání Evropské rady v říjnu 2019

Zasedání Evropské rady v říjnu 2019 přineslo několik překvapení. Přečtěte si vyjádření našich expertů k dalšímu vývoji ohledně brexitu, rozšiřování EU nebo boji s klimatickou změnou. Odpovídali Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Jana Juzová, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Louis Cox-Brusseau a Martin Michelot.

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INVITATION: The new European Commission – What to expect?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that we co-organize under the Prague European Summit titled ''The new European Commission – What to expect?''. The event will take place on October 9th at 3 PM in the European House.

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Our Vladimír Bartovic wrote article for

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In divided Cyprus, new tensions in decades-old dispute arise while history is made in the European election

Our Jiří Lacina explores, in his latest blog, the conflict over natural resources near Cyprus amidst the results of the EP elections

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