Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic: Should the Czech Republic pursue autonomy from the V4 and collaborate closer with the EU?

In her blog post, Liliana Kotval discusses the approach of the Czech Republic and other V4 countries to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and their cooperation with the EU.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa Online: The European strategy for LGBTI+ citizens' equality - will discrimination be reduced in all EU countries?

We invite you to another debate in the Café Evropa format on the European strategy for LGBTI+ citizens' equality - will discrimination be reduced in all EU countries? The debate is organized by the European Commission in the Czech Republic and the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with Eurocentrum Prague. The media partner of the debate is Dení The debate will take place online on Tuesday, February 9 on our Facebook.

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INVITATION: An Austro-French Dialogue with the Visegrad states: The Czech Republic, the Visegrad Four and the European Union

Join a debate organised by Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (ÖFZ/CFA) with Institut Montaigne in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and other partners. The debate will take place on January 28 at 4 PM in Zoom, you have to register to be able to attend.

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REPORT: EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy: The role of the Central Europe

On 22 December the Think Visegrad in Brussels represented by Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy held an online round table, where many aspects on the cooperation between European Union and the Asian continent were analysed. The roundtable covered themes such as economical prosperity, technological advancements and the primary goals of and the role played by Central-Eastern European countries.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online – Vaccine against coronavirus – myths and facts

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy kindly invites you to the very first debate from the Café Evropa series of this year. This time, our guests will discuss the topic of vaccination against coronavirus and all the myths and facts linked to it. The debate will take place on Wednesday 20 January from 5:30 PM and will be broadcasted online on our Facebook page.

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European Summer School (ESS)

The European Summer School in Prague is an intensive 8-day learning programme focused on European integration. It is organized by one of the leading think tanks in Prague, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic and in cooperation with Prague College and Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University.

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POLICY BRIEF: Implications of the 2020 US Presidential Election on the EU and Czech Climate Policy

In her brief, Aneta Navrátilová writes about the implications of the 2020 US Presidential Election on the EU and Czech Climate Policy

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Café Evropa a Café Evropa in regions

The long-successful format of the Café Evropa debate has been running since 2015. The aim is to mediate discussions on European issues and the position of the Czech Republic in the EU to the general public. The discussing guests of Café Evropa are experts on the issue and representatives of European and Czech institutions. Since 2017, debates have been held not only in Prague but also in the Czech regions.

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POLICY PAPER: Cross-generational Cooperation in the Workplace

In her last policy paper, Lenka Farkačová deals with the issue of development of networks of cross-generational teams of individual EU countries, which are to serve as tools to achieve the EU’s competitive advantage in the global market.

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CTK and others: 56 percent of Czechs would vote again for joining the EU, the survey shows

Czech Press Agency and other media published a report on a public opinion poll concerning the Czechs' opinion on membership in the European Union. The survey was prepared by the STEM Institute of Empirical Studies in cooperation with the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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