Šefčovič succeeded - He hasn't lost with Czech woman

Maroš Šefčovič wrote an article for web pravda.sk.

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ČT: Composition of the new European Commission

Our Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Czech Television, where he commented on the composition of the new European Commission.

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Café Evropa: Impacts of climate change on our everyday lives

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that is part of the series Café Evropa. This time in Prague on Monday, September 23rd. Our distinguished guests will discuss the following topic: Impacts of climate change on our everyday lives.

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Newsletter DEMAS 2/2019

Take a look at what’s new in the field of non-profit organizations gathered under DEMAS association.

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Evaluation of the Czech EU policy in 2018

Vít Havelka and Louis Cox-Brusseau published a policy paper evaluating the Czech EU policy in 2018

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Newsletter DEMAS 1/2019

Take a look at what’s new in the field of non-profit organizations gathered under DEMAS association.

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Newsletter DEMAS 4/2018

Take a look at what’s new in the field of non-profit organizations gathered under DEMAS association.

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Newsletter DEMAS 3/2018

Take a look at what’s new in the field of non-profit organizations gathered under DEMAS association.

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ČRo Plus: will Věra Jourová have rule of law portfolio?

In the interview with Czech Radio Plus, Zuzana Stuchlíková talked about the speculations that Věra Jourová was offered rule of law portfolio in the new European Commission.

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ČTK: Expert: Rule of law for Jourová would be a good and logical choice

In an interview with the Czech News Agency, head of our Brussels office Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the speculations of Politico that Věra Jourová was offered the rule of law portfolio in European Commission.

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