BLOG | Belgium’s 2024 elections: Navigating Flemish nationalism amidst European challenges

Belgium is gearing up for several elections this year. In addition to the European elections, Belgian citizens will also vote for the federal and regional parliaments on the same day. Although this arrangement is nothing new in Belgium, it may make it more difficult for voters to distinguish between the different election campaigns. Growing Flemish nationalism may also bring complications. These topics are addressed by Nicolas Rouillard in his new blog.

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dení | PODCAST: Campaigning before the EU elections? ANO's bet on migration makes no sense, says Daněk

Although the ANO movement has been part of a very pro-European liberal faction in the European Parliament for the past decade, it has said almost nothing good about the EU in the campaign leading up to the EU elections, says analyst Viktor Daněk.

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Právo | European Council chief Michel makes a mockery of himself with a U-turn

Charles Michel has reversed his decision to stand in this year's European elections. The current head of the European Council faced a wave of criticism for not finishing his term, but was that the only reason for his change of heart? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk explained the circumstances of Michel's EU career to Právo.

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TV Nova | How to make EU elections more attractive in the Czech Republic

Since 2004, Czechs have been able to vote in European Parliament elections. However, interest is low compared to other countries. Why is this the case and how could voter turnout be increased? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM, discussed this topic.

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FORUM 24 | Michel's (ir)responsible departure and Orbán at the head of the European Council? Election fight begins in Brussels

The announced departure of Charles Michel from the European Council immediately became the focus of discussions across Brussels and the member states. Our Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Žiga Faktor commented on several key issues related to the future functioning of the EU.

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ČRo Plus | The far right is gaining strength ahead of the European Parliament elections

Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the current events in Wednesday's press for the morning broadcast of ČRo Plus. Among other topics, he discussed the rise of the far right in Europe and the US presidential election.

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E15 | Europe is terrified of Orbán at the head of EU institutions. It must speed up the selection of a new "EU president"

The first media storm around the European Parliament elections was unleashed by the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, when he unexpectedly announced last weekend that he was going to run for the European Parliament himself in June and, if successful, would resign early from his current post. However, this means that unless the EU27 quickly agrees on his successor, the powers of the "European president" will pass to EU troublemaker Viktor Orban, whose Hungary will hold the EU presidency from the summer. Our head of the Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented for E15 on the likelihood of this happening and what it would mean for the functioning of the EU.

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ČT24 | The upcoming European Parliament elections

The European Parliament is one of the key institutions of the European Union, yet the turnout in elections of its members in the Czech Republic has been extremely low for a long time. Our Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Žiga Faktor analysed the upcoming European elections and their Czech dimension on ČT24.

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BLOG | Slovakia’s Foreign Policy after the 2023 parliamentary elections

On September 30th, the long-awaited parliamentary elections held place in Slovakia drawing particularly strong global attention due to their perceived impact on the nation's democratic trajectory and their significance for the unity of the European Union. As a result, Robert Fico, leader of the opposition Smer-SD party, and a former Prime minister in three governments, emerged victorious once again, while his populist, aggressive, and anti-West rhetoric sparked further concerns among the EU leaders. Writes Simona Štibraná.

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BLOG | Migration and climate at the forefront of the European elections in the Czech Republic. What does our research tell us about them?

Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic, migration and climate are the main topics. Parties are using them to shape voters' opinions and to criticise or support European policies. Klára Votavová writes.

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