Civil Servant Mobility Program: Educational management (October 2016)

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organized another Civil Servant Mobility Program study trip from October 23 to 29, 2016. The project, realized within the Think Visegrad platform, was focused on sharing experience in the field of educational management in the Czech Republic with a selected civil servants from Ukraine. The group consisted of four directors of schools in various Ukrainian regions and two local officials who deal with the topic of education.

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ČT24: Turkish police arresting officials

Our Michal Vít was a guest on the ČT24 channel on July 4th, where he commented on the international criticism directed towards the Turkish regime and the impact of Turkey's political actions on the EU - Turkey accession talks.

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REPORT: Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe

On Wednesday, November 2 we organised a debate on the topic of crossborder cooperation within the migration crisis in Central and Easter Europe. The report from the debate is now available.

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INVITATION: Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe

On November 2, European house will host the debate called Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe, joined by our Research Fellow Christian Kvorning Lassen as one of the speakers.

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Assessing EU development cooperation: from infancy to maturity?

New issue of BRUSSELS MONITOR series by Eva Křížková focuses on EU development cooperation policy transformation.

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RTVS: Brussels summit analysis

Vladimír Bartovic discussed the outcomes of the EU summit in Brussels with Rádio Slovensko (RTVS).

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Recommendations on EU support to the Crimean peninsula

Ukrainian independent journalists, analysts and civil rights activists contributed to a series of recommendations on EU support to the Crimean peninsula, based on an advocacy visit to Brussels on 26-29 September 2016

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ČT24: EU leaders met at the EU Summit

Michal Vít was a guest on ČT24, where he discussed the meeting of the EU leaders at the EU Summit, which took place in Brussels.

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The End of the EEA-Hungary Friendship? Hungary continues to challenge internationally funded programmes

Marianne Grønning analyses in her blog Hungary's attitude towards international funding and influence in domestic affairs through the latest incident at the Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute.

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Norwegian students on a study visit at EUROPEUM

A group of international students from the University of Oslo visited EUROPEUM on the 20th of October 2016.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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