ČT24: Turkish police arresting officials

Our Michal Vít was a guest on the ČT24 channel on July 4th, where he commented on the international criticism directed towards the Turkish regime and the impact of Turkey's political actions on the EU - Turkey accession talks.

Our Michal Vít was a guest on the ČT24 channel on July 4th, where he commented on the international criticism directed towards the Turkish regime and the impact of Turkey's political actions on the EU - Turkey accession talks. 

The disruption of the cooperation at the political level would send a negative signal into the economic sphere as well, which could show consequencies within several years or, even in longer term, within a decade.

The interview is available in Czech on our Youtube channel here.


#Turkey #EU-Turkey #accession talks #critique #ČT24

Michal Vít
Research Fellow (until September 2018)

Topics: Political parties, National identity, V4

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