POLICY PAPER: Serbia's state of play regarding Chapters 23 and 24: One step forward, two steps back

Our research fellow Jana Juzová wrote a policy paper about the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans and about the situation in Serbia in regards to Chapters 23 and 24 of accession talks.

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ČRo Plus: Vít Havelka about the new EU budget for 2021–2027

Vít Havelka, research fellow from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, was talking about the new Charles Michel's (President of the European Council) budget proposal for European Union for years 2021–2027.

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INVITATION: Reviving the EU Enlargement agenda: 2020 as a new opportunity for the Western Balkans

We would like to cordially invite you to an event organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Embassy of North Macedonia in Prague. The event will start with a keynote speach by H.E. Nikola Dimitrov: "EU's unfulfilled promise in the Western Balkans - time for strategic resolve during the Croatia's EU presidency", followed by a panel discussion: "Reviving the EU Enlargement agenda: 2020 as a new opportunity for the Western Balkans".

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INVITATION: EU± // New coalition in Austria

What was the reason for the loss of the Austrian populists FPÖ? Can the Austrian experience be transferred to other EU countries? What does the new coalition in Austria mean for the EU? Will Austria change it's relation to the Czech Republic and Central Europe?

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INVITATION: Café Evropa in the regions – Mladá Boleslav: Brexit – how will it affect our lives, trade and relations?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy kindly invites you to another Café Evropa in the regions debate, which will take place in Knihovna města Mladá Boleslav. On Monday of the 2nd March, we shall discuss the topic of the Brexit and how it will affect our lives.

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TA3: A. Lagazzi on the loss of immunity of the Italian ex-minister Salvini

Former Interior Minister of Italy Matteo Salvini will be stripped of immunity and can be tried. The leader of the far-right League may face up to 15 years imprisonment and up to eight years of ban on political activity. Salvini claims that he is not afraid of the process because he is proud of what he has done during his duties.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa: Middle East and the EU – What is our role?

Come sit with us and discuss a topic that moves the EU. We kindly invite you to a debate titled "Middle East and the EU – What is our role?", which we co-organized in cooperation with the European Commission in the CR and the European Parliament Bureau. The discussion will take place on the 24th of February in Evropksý dům (Jungmannova 24, Praha 1).

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ČRo Plus: Z. Stuchlíková on the Josep Borrel's visit to the USA

The chief of European diplomacy is heading to Washington, where he will be meeting the secretary of state Mike Pompeo, but also the opposition's Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. What topics will be discussed? What is the main goal of this visit? Our Zuzana Stuchlíková answered these questions in the broadcast of Czech Radio.

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ČRo Plus: British and European attitude towards a new trade agreement

Our Vladimír Bartovic, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, dealt with questions on the topic of negotiations on the new trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the EU in the interview for ČRo Plus.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa in regions - Hradec Králové: The Middle East and the European Union - can we help with calming the tension in the region?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy kindly invites you to another Café Evropa in the regions debate, which will take place in Knihovna města Hradce Králové. On Thursday of the 20th February, we shall discuss the topic of the EU and its relationshi with the Middle East and possible ways to help with calming the tension in this region.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org