What did Dutch voters really vote against?

Pierre Grangé's blog on the results of the Dutch referendum on the Approval Act of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine.

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EU-China relations – the challenge of combining principles and pragmatism

Blog by Geoffrey Harris, European Parliament veteran and Professor at College of Europe in Bruges, addresses the relation between the European Union and China as well as its significance for the future of European integration.

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From Renzi with Love: Italy's Constitutional Referendum

The latest issue of the BRUSSELS MONITOR series, written by Alexandr Lagazzi, focuses on the Italian constitutional referendum proposed by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and its impact on the EU.

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INVITATION: Assessing the future of EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans

We would like to invite you to the public debate on the issues of the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans region that will take place on 28 November.

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thewonk.eu: Four Reasons Why TTIP May Fail and Why It Will be Europe’s Fault

Our Tereza Novotná was interviewed for thewonk.eu as author of the report 'Four Reasons Why TTIP May Fail and Why It Will be Europe’s Fault', which was published as part of the LSE IDEAS publication 'New Challenges, New Voices: Next Generation Viewpoints on Transatlantic Relations'.

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RTVS: Angela's Merkel candidacy

Our researcher Michal Vít commented for RTVS on the possible candidacy of Angela Merkel in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Germany.

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RTVS: Election of the federal president of Germany as a prologue to the parliamentary election

Michal Vít was a guest of Radiožurnálu on Rádio Slovensko (RTVS) on Wednesday, November 16. Current situation within the government coalition in the context of forthcoming presidential election was addressed.

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RTVS: The impact of Donald Trump presidency on the EU

Our director Vladimír Bartovic addressed the issue of Donald Trump presidency and its impact on EU-US relations and the relations with NATO on Rádio Slovensko RTVS.

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Donald Trump is the President of the United States – what happens next?

In his blog Christian Kvorning Lassen is looking to the future of The United States of America under Donald Trump's presidency.

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Joint Solutions for Common Challenges in Central Europe: Cross-Border Cooperation in the Refugee Crisis

Our Research Fellows Christian Kvorning Lassen and Kateřina Davidová participated on the project called "Joint Solutions for Common Challenges in Central Europe: Cross-Border Cooperation in the Refugee Crisis" organised by Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE).

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