EUradio: New procedure against Poland: "Virus cannot threaten democracy"

Our Danielle Piatkiewicz for French radio on the controversial law regarding the judicial system in Poland.

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Deník: A vaccine is being sought. EU has raised over seven billion Euros for research

Director of our Institute was quoted in Dení, where he talks about the worldwide fond organized by the EU, which should be used on finding a coronavirus vaccine.

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Commentary: EU – Western Balkans summit - More reforms, more money

Our Jana Juzová wrote in her commentary about the EU – Western Balkans summit.

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POLICY PAPER: European Green Deal: will it bring structural change?

Lucie Vinařská authored a policy paper for the 12th debate of the Prague Climate Talks series titled "European Green Deal: will it bring structural change?", which will take place online on EUROPEUM's Facebook.

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The Double Crisis in Kosovo: COVID-19 as a Veil for Power Struggles

Kosovo, the coronavirus crisis and the political crisis: these are the topics of our Jana Juzová's latest blog article.

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Euroscepticism among pro-European Italians: A Coronavirus Paradox

Our Francesca Canali analyzes in her latest blog COVID-19 situation in Italy and the question of the changing perception of the EU.

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Analyst A. Lagazzi on Italy's entry into the second phase

After more than 2 months, people in Italy could return to work. Alexandr Lagazzi spoke on the Italian government's decision to further ease the pandemic restrictions.

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TA3: Director of Europeum V. Bartovič on the easing of EU crisis measures

Our director Vladimír Bartovic gave an interview on the topic of the European Commission's plan for the gradual termination of restrictive measures against the spread of COVID-19.

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La Vanguardia: Eastern European countries defend early and drastic action to stop the virus

Director of our Institute was quoted in La Vanguardia, where he talks about Eastern Europe's reaction to coronavirus crisis.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Czech science fighting the coronavirus– how does the financing works and how does the EU help?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series. Like the previous debate it will be broadcasted online because of anti-coronavirus measures. The debate will focus on the fight of Czech science against the coronavirus. The debate will take place on Wednesday, 13 May.

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