ČT24: Brexit and its impact on the Czech Republic

Michal Vít was on ČT24 the 30th of June. He spoke about the British referendum and commented on the stance of the Czech Republic following the outcome of Brexit.

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TA3: On the insecure future of the EU

Vladimír Bartovic spoke to the Slovak TV station TA3 about the fallout of Brexit and the now insecure future of the EU.

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Pravda.sk: Brexit can overshadow Slovakian EU program

Vladimír Bartovic commented on consequences Brexit referendum will have on Slovakian EU presidency.

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The Slovak Spectator: Brits in Slovakia: We won’t go

Vladimír Bartovic commented on the possibility of losing the European citizenship and corresponding rights in the light of upcoming Brexit referendum.

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A View from Central Europe: NATO`s eastern expansion

Martin Michelot commented on possible enlargement of NATO for GLOBSEC Policy Institute.

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ČT24: Czech Republic to reject quotas once again

Vladimír Bartovic was in Studio ČT24 yesterday. He commented on position of the Czech Republic and the V4 countries towards the quotas. Furthermore, he talked about international law and EU-Turkey deal.

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Studio 6: The Czech Republic is celebrating 12th anniversary of being EU member state

Radomír Špok commented for ČT24 the past twelve years within the European Union.

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Austrian border plan damaging symbolic Brenner Pass

Austria has announced plans to implement border controls at its shared border with Italy at the Brenner Pass. Alexandr Lagazzi analyses such move with regards to both Italy's and the Commission's reactions.

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Conference: Institute of International and European Affairs

Vladimír Bartovic was one of the speakers at a conference organized by IIEA. He evaluated Czech Republic's membership in the EU.

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Debate: Elections to European Parliament and campaigning in the Czech Republic: PR or real vision?

Come debate with political commentators and PR experts about the upcoming elections to the European Parliament.

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