Policy Brief | Were Czech industrial policy interests reflected in EU 2024-2029 strategic agenda discussions?

In light of the recent return of industrial policy to the global and EU stage, this policy brief outlines how Czech interests in this policy were reflected in the debates leading up to the adoption of 2024-2029 EU strategic agenda. First, it strives to define Czech industrial policy interests, outlining two alternative approaches to how they can be perceived. The liberal approach follows the long established consensus, according to which Czechia – as a very open, export oriented economy – should promote above all a seamless Single Market and free trade. Writes EUROPEUM Institute researcher Klára Votavová in her Policy Brief.

The alternative progressive approach sees industrial policy as a developmental tool which, if well targeted, could help Czechia escape the “middle income trap”. After defining Czech interests in industrial policy, the paper analyses European Council conclusions adopted between October 2023 and April 2024, and Enrico Letta’s high level report on the EU Single Market to see how they were reflected in these documents. The paper concludes that there is a tangible turn towards competitiveness topics in the strategic agenda documents, which is in line with Czech interests as defined according to the liberal approach. Contrarily, progressive approach to industrial policy remains side-lined in these documents.

You can find the Policy Brief under the PDF button.


#Policy Brief #Czech industry #EU Strategic Agenda #EUCO

Klára Votavová
Associate Research Fellow

Expertise: Social policies, EU digital policies, Just Transition, Central and Eastern Europe

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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