INVITATION | EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Trade relations with the Indo-pacific

We would like to invite you to a debate "EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Trade relations with the Indo-pacific", which will take place on 21 February at 13:00 online on our Facebook page.

Despite the tendencies to revert to deglobalization, protectionism and regionalism of the past few years, free and global trade remains one of the greatest assets of the European Union. And the Indo-pacific is a key partner – four out of EU´s ten biggest trading partners are from the region and there are several trade deals either in place, in the ratification process or being negotiated. Further deepening of the economic ties will not only bring economic benefits to but will also help fulfil strategy of the EU to become a relevant geopolitical player and actor on the international stage. However, to fully leverage the region´s trade potential both sides should be careful not to overburden the deals with non-trade related clauses and use past experiences with negotiations


  • Dora Francisca Jungbluth, Senior Expert, Bertelsmann Stiftung
  • Jan Kovář, Deputy Research Director, Institute of International Relations
  • KAWAI Masahiro, Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo

Moderator: Kristína Chlebáková, Project Manager, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

You can watch the debate online here. You will be able to join the discussion directly during the debate by commenting below the video. Live stream and a recording of the debate will also be available here




#Migration #Indo-Pacific #Demografic Changes #Europe

Alexandra Visnerova
Senior Project Manager, Transatlantic Policy Forum

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