bne IntelliNews | US Westinghouse and French EDF file complaint with Czech anti-trust office over nuclear tender

US company Westinghouse and France's EDF have filed a complaint with the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition over the selection of South Korea's KHNP in the country’s 16bn euro tender to build two new reactors at the Dukovany nuclear power plant. Rebeka Hengalová, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for bne IntelliNews.

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ČRo Plus | Macron came to Prague to discuss building nuclear blocks in Dukovany

French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Prague to meet with Czech officials. The main topic of the discussion is the construction of a new block of the Dukovany nuclear power plant, which has drawn interest from both the French state company EDF and the Korean KHNP. Amongst the main topics is also support for Ukraine and the issue of new ammunition. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke about Macron's visit for ČRo Plus.

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Electricity has to be primarily competitive

Michal Vít interviewed Miroslav Marvan, former director of OTE. In the interview for, they discussed for instance the implications of low electricity prices, renewable energy subsidies, or the use of modern technologies.

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