ČRo Plus | Far-right parties in the European Parliament

Surveys suggest that the far-right is gaining strength. Experts predict the possibility of a "Trump-like moment" in Europe. How significant is this risk for key EU players such as Germany, France, or Italy? Are there similar reasons for the rise in support for right-wing parties across Europe? These and other questions were answered by Vít Havelka, Senior Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute for Czech Radio.

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ČRo | Czech Republic abstains in the final vote on the migration pact

The Migration Pact heads to its final vote in the Council of Ministers. The Czech Republic will abstain in this final vote. What is the process of approval within the European Union? What led to the change of position? And what are the implications for the EU of the just-approved migration pact? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Czech Radio.

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ČRo | New sanctions package includes entities outside of Russia

The new thirteenth package of sanctions against Russia was approved today by representatives of the EU. The sanction list has been expanded by another 200 individuals, companies, and institutions. These include entities outside of Russia that are involved in bypassing measures preventing the purchase of military technologies by Moscow. An expert commentary for the Radiožurnál program was provided by EUROPEUM's deputy director Viktor Daněk.

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iDnes.cz | COMMENTARY: Quartet on the European budget - it is useless, isn't it?

Along with the discussion of the revision of the seven-year budget of the European Union (EU), statements that the budget is too big and unnecessary have once again appeared in the public space. Moreover, the EU is now borrowing to run itself because it is unable to make ends meet. It is worth recalling what the EU budget is for and why it is important to have one, writes Vít Havelka, a researcher at Europeum.

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ČT24 | Twenty years of the Czech Republic in the European Union - From behind the scenes in Brussels

What are the differences in perception between the EU capital and the Czech Republic? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk explained how the daily reality in Brussels differs from ours and what the work of a journalist looks like.

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ČRo Plus | Charles Michel to leave the European Council early. Personal ambition wins out

During his time as President of the European Council, Charles Michel has repeatedly surprised with his ability to negotiate almost impossible compromises. But he is not a strong and charismatic politician. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on Michel's early departure from the EU leadership for ČRo Plus.

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Český rozhlas Radiožurnál: New migration politics of European Union

In matters of migration and internal affairs, voting in the EU is made by a qualified majority. However, representatives of Hungary and Poland are in favor of a unanimous decision. For Radiožurnál, our senior researcher Vít Havelka commented on the issues of the new EU migration policy.

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Aktuálně.cz | No pensions on a burnt planet. What will the world be like when we stop working in 40 years?

Klára Votavová, our researcher, has written a commentary on the current government pension reform. According to Votavová, it is alarming that the reform does not take into account climate change and the impact of technology on the labour market.

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Seznam zprávy: Money or the planet? Green politics can do both

The dilemma between the green economy and living standards should not exist at all. But the notion of a " fair transition" would have to become a principle motivating policy at home and in the EU.

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CT24: Price cap on gas for electricity production may lead to gas depletion

At a joint meeting of EU ministers, possible solutions to high gas prices were discussed. Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented on the meeting for Událostí, komentáře ČT24. He warned, for example, against capping prices of gas used for electricity production, which could lead to the exhaustion of gas reserves due to low prices. On the other hand, he positively assessed the planned joint European purchases of gas, which could significantly help the Czech economy.

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