The new European Defence Industrial Strategy primarily responds to the Ukrainian need for ammunition supplies due to Russian invasion. It includes measures such as support for collective procurement of defense systems, focus on the involvement of European firms in public tenders, support for national budgets in transitioning to new weapon systems, and the development of stronger ties with Ukraine and NATO. Zuzana Krulichová, a researcher specializing in European defense policy at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the funding of the new strategy for Euractiv.
Show moreJakub Ferenčík wrote a blog on the topic: The Militarization of Europe: Three Reasons the EU’s Defense Strategy Changed. In his blog, he writes for example about three reasons why the EU defence strategy has changed or the militarisation of Europe and the future of deterrence.
Show more PDFJakub Ferenčík napsal blog na téma: Militarizace Evropy: Tři důvody, proč se obranná strategie EU změnila. Ve svém blogu píše například o třech důvodech, proč se změnila obranná strategie Evropské unie nebo o Militarizace Evropy a budoucnost odstrašování.
Show more PDFRose Hartwig-Peillon wrote an EU Monitor on the topic of The European Army project: the answer to the Union’s strategic shrinkage? In this report, she focuses not only on the current defense strategy of the EU and whether the present security and defense tools are effective or not, but she also addresses the question of creating a European Army and if it could help with achieving the goal of European strategic autonomy
Show moreWe would love to invite you to another debate within the Café Evropa series, called: "Common European Defense - is cooperation between the armies and the defense industry in the EU countries successful and sufficiently effective?" Although the idea of a common European army has appeared more frequently than ever in the statements of various European politicians in recent years, in reality this possibility is relatively unlikely in the foreseeable future. Is the European Union self-sufficient in terms of raw materials or supply chains? What is the attitude of the Member States of the Union to deepening defense cooperation? And where is European defense actually heading?
Show moreOur research fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz participated in a report by V4 Senior Defense Experts. The paper is written by sixteen senior defence experts and it is a summary of a broader project entitled: “Returning to the roots of the Visegrad cooperation – coordinating V4 strategy towards NATO Strategic Concept and European defense autonomy” that is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
Show more PDFLast October, the third annual Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) took place virtually. The Forum not only brought together a wide range of experts but provided inputs and interesting takeaways, including recommendations and a Transatlantic To-Do List, which outlined action points on how the US and the EU should approach the given challenges ranging from increased multilateral collaboration to further development of economic and security engagement. A little over 6 months into his administration, our EUROPEUM experts Danielle Piatkiewicz and Miroslava Pisklová have updated their Transatlantic To-Do List and their 100 day’s progress report to reflect on where Biden’s foreign policy stands now over a half a year into the new US administration.
Show more PDFLoni v říjnu se virtuálně uskutečnilo třetí Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF). TAPF nejenže spojil širokou škálu odborníků, ale také poskytl inspirativní nápady a zajímavé závěry, včetně doporučení a tzv. Transatlantic To-Do Listu, který nastínil, jak by měly USA a EU přistupovat k daným výzvám od intenzivnější multilaterální spolupráce po další rozvoj hospodářského a bezpečnostního zapojení. Po půl roce prezidenství Joe Bidena, expertky Institutu EUROPEUM Danielle Piatkiewicz a Miroslava Pisklová aktualizovaly zprávu o dosavadním pokroku a plnění Transatlantického To-Do listu.
Show more PDFIn her policy paper, our research fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz provides an in-depth review of President Biden’s first 100 days in office. Piatkiewicz particularly examines Biden's new transatlantic strategy and how it affects the Central and Eastern Europe region.
Show moreVladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Vít Havelka, Jana Juzová, Alexandr Lagazzi and Kateřina Davidová react to Juncker's State of the Union Address 2018 from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.
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