Ekonomický deník | How should support for air transport work? The European Commission has launched a review of the rules

The European Commission opens a debate on aviation support in the coming years. The new rules should start to apply after 2027. In particular, the guidelines are intended to minimize negative effects on competition and aim to preserve connectivity. Project coordinator and analyst at EUROPEUM Institute Filip Křenek commented for Ekonomický deník.

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POLICY REPORT: The perspectives of the Czech automotive industry's decarbonization

Our Research Fellow Michal Hrubý examines the current state of the Czech automotive industry and its possible decarbonisation in connection with emissions. He divides his recommendations into five points - bolster green investments, financial incentives are the change-drivers, boost charging infrastructure, support the corporate BEVs fleet market and a ban on ICEVs is not the solution per se. The policy report was written within the project Decarbonisation of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic.

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