Český rozhlas | End discrimination against Roma children, says the European Commission to the Czech Republic

According to the European Commission, the Czech Republic is not complying with EU legislation on combating racial and ethnic discrimination. Brussels has therefore initiated infringement proceedings. It claims that the Czech Republic is not effectively addressing the problem of segregation of Roma children in schools. Deputy director at EUROPEUM Institute Viktor Daněk commented for Český rozhlas.

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Český rozhlas | Skončete s diskriminací romských dětí, vzkazuje Evropská komise Česku

Česko podle Evropské komise nedodržuje právní předpisy Evropské unie o boji proti rasové a etnické diskriminaci. Brusel proto zahájil řízení pro porušení unijního práva. Tvrdí, že Česko účinně neřeší problém segregace romských dětí ve školách. Pro Český rozhlas komentoval zástupce ředitele Institutu Viktor Daněk.

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iROZHLAS | Segregation of Romani children persists in the Czech Republic

In 2007, the European Court of Human Rights condemned the Czech Republic for discriminating against Romani pupils in their access to education. The Ministry of Education has admitted that this problem continues to this day. Not only is the Czech Republic under scrutiny by the Council of Europe, but it is also at risk of renewed infringement proceedings in the European Union, which could lead to financial sanctions. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue for iROZHLAS.cz.

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